
  • lose

    英:[lu:z]   美: [luz] 

    lose 基本解释

    及物动词失去; 错过; 遗失; 耽搁

    不及物动词损失; 输掉; 走慢; 降低价值


    lose 同义词


    lose 反义词


    lose 相关词组

    1. lose out : 失败;

    同义词: failforfeitsacrifice

    lose 相关例句


    1. She had to walk to the station and so lost her train.

    2. lose的近义词

    2. Such behaviour lost him our trust.

    3. A bad cold had lost me some time.

    4. We lost a lot of money on that deal.


    1. lose是什么意思

    1. We lost on that transaction.

    lose 网络解释

    1. 丢失:②联想记忆:丢失(lose)就是损耗(loss)②联想记忆:丢失(lose)就是损耗(loss)②联想记忆:丢失(lose)就是损耗(loss)②联想记忆:丢失(lose)就是损耗(loss)③联想记忆:他谴责(blame)我把他往火焰(flame)上推,把他烧成了瘸腿的(lame)人.

    2. 失去:「我从来都不了解人们为什麼说:失去(lose)一个小孩. 没有一个家长会那麼粗心. 我们都知道我们的儿子女儿在哪里,我们只是不希望他们去那里. 」

    3. lose:loss of cultural element; 遗失

    4. lose:loss of effect; 失效

    1. 输掉(比赛、战斗、争论等)
        If you lose a contest, a fight, or an argument, you do not succeed because someone does better than you and defeats you.

        e.g. A C Milan lost the Italian Cup Final...
        e.g. The government lost the argument over the pace of reform...

    2. 遗失;丢失
        If you lose something, you do not know where it is, for example because you have forgotten where you put it.

        e.g. I lost my keys...
        e.g. I had to go back for my checkup; they'd lost my X-rays.

    3. (因被夺走或遭损坏而)丧失,失去
        You say that you lose something when you no longer have it because it has been taken away from you or destroyed.

        e.g. I lost my job when the company moved to another state...
        e.g. He lost his licence for six months...

    4. 丧失,失去(某一特性、特点、态度或信念)
        If someone loses a quality, characteristic, attitude, or belief, they no longer have it.


        e.g. He lost all sense of reason...
        e.g. The government had lost all credibility...

    5. (因意外等)丧失,失去(某种能力)
        If you lose an ability, you stop having that ability because of something such as an accident.

        e.g. They lost their ability to hear...
        e.g. He had lost the use of his legs.

    6. 散失(热量)
        If someone or something loses heat, their temperature becomes lower.

        e.g. Babies lose heat much faster than adults...
        e.g. A lot of body heat is lost through the scalp.

    7. 损失(血或体液)
        If you lose blood or fluid from your body, it leaves your body so that you have less of it.

        e.g. The victim suffered a dreadful injury and lost a lot of blood...
        e.g. During fever a large quantity of fluid is lost in perspiration.

    8. 减轻(体重)
        If you lose weight, you become less heavy, and usually look thinner.

        e.g. I have lost a lot of weight...
        e.g. Martha was able to lose 25 pounds.

    9. (因手术或意外)丧失,失去(身体部位)
        If you lose a part of your body, it is cut off in an operation or in an accident.

        e.g. He lost a foot when he was struck by a train.

    10. 丧失,失去(生命)
        If someone loses their life, they die.


        e.g. ...the ferry disaster in 1987, in which 192 people lost their lives...
        e.g. Hundreds of lives were lost in fighting.

    11. 丧失,失去(亲人或朋友)
          If you lose a close relative or friend, they die.


          e.g. My Grandma lost her brother in the war.

    12. (灾难)损毁,毁灭
          If things are lost, they are destroyed in a disaster.


          e.g. ...the famous Nankin pottery that was lost in a shipwreck off the coast of China.

    13. 错过,浪费(时间)
          If you lose time, something slows you down so that you do not make as much progress as you hoped.

          e.g. They claim that police lost valuable time in the early part of the investigation...
          e.g. Six hours were lost in all.

    14. 错过,浪费(机会)
          If you lose an opportunity, you do not take advantage of it.

          e.g. If you don't do it soon you're going to lose the opportunity...
          e.g. They did not lose the opportunity to say what they thought of events.

    15. 使专注(于);使沉湎(于)
          If you lose yourself in something or if you are lost in it, you give a lot of attention to it and do not think about anything else.

          e.g. Michael held on to her arm, losing himself in the music...
          e.g. He was lost in the contemplation of the landscape.

    16. 亏损
          If a business loses money, it earns less money than it spends, and is therefore in debt.

          e.g. His shops stand to lose millions of pounds...
          e.g. $1 billion a year may be lost.

    17. 使失败;使失去
          If something loses you a contest or loses you something that you had, it causes you to fail or to no longer have what you had.

          e.g. My own stupidity lost me the match...
          e.g. His economic mismanagement has lost him the support of the general public.

    18. see also: lost

    Do not confuse lose and loose. Lose is a verb. If you lose something, you no longer have it and cannot find it. I've lost my wallet. The past participle and past tense of lose are both lost. Loose is usually an adjective. If something is loose, it is not properly fixed or held in place. ...the loose floorboards on the landing. ...a loose tooth.
    不要混淆lose和loose。lose为动词,表示丢失, 如:I've lost my wallet(我丢了钱包)。lose的过去式和过去分词均为lost。loose则通常作形容词,表示不牢固或没有固定好,如:the loose floorboards on the landing(楼梯平台上松动的地板),a loose tooth(松动的牙齿)。 词典解释

    1. 输掉(比赛、战斗、争论等)
        If you lose a contest, a fight, or an argument, you do not succeed because someone does better than you and defeats you.

        e.g. A C Milan lost the Italian Cup Final...
        e.g. The government lost the argument over the pace of reform...

    2. 遗失;丢失
        If you lose something, you do not know where it is, for example because you have forgotten where you put it.

        e.g. I lost my keys...
        e.g. I had to go back for my checkup; they'd lost my X-rays.

    3. (因被夺走或遭损坏而)丧失,失去
        You say that you lose something when you no longer have it because it has been taken away from you or destroyed.

        e.g. I lost my job when the company moved to another state...
        e.g. He lost his licence for six months...

    4. 丧失,失去(某一特性、特点、态度或信念)
        If someone loses a quality, characteristic, attitude, or belief, they no longer have it.


        e.g. He lost all sense of reason...
        e.g. The government had lost all credibility...

    5. (因意外等)丧失,失去(某种能力)
        If you lose an ability, you stop having that ability because of something such as an accident.

        e.g. They lost their ability to hear...
        e.g. He had lost the use of his legs.

    6. 散失(热量)
        If someone or something loses heat, their temperature becomes lower.

        e.g. Babies lose heat much faster than adults...
        e.g. A lot of body heat is lost through the scalp.

    7. 损失(血或体液)
        If you lose blood or fluid from your body, it leaves your body so that you have less of it.

        e.g. The victim suffered a dreadful injury and lost a lot of blood...
        e.g. During fever a large quantity of fluid is lost in perspiration.

    8. 减轻(体重)
        If you lose weight, you become less heavy, and usually look thinner.

        e.g. I have lost a lot of weight...
        e.g. Martha was able to lose 25 pounds.

    9. (因手术或意外)丧失,失去(身体部位)
        If you lose a part of your body, it is cut off in an operation or in an accident.

        e.g. He lost a foot when he was struck by a train.

    10. 丧失,失去(生命)
        If someone loses their life, they die.


        e.g. ...the ferry disaster in 1987, in which 192 people lost their lives...
        e.g. Hundreds of lives were lost in fighting.

    11. 丧失,失去(亲人或朋友)
          If you lose a close relative or friend, they die.


          e.g. My Grandma lost her brother in the war.

    12. (灾难)损毁,毁灭
          If things are lost, they are destroyed in a disaster.


          e.g. ...the famous Nankin pottery that was lost in a shipwreck off the coast of China.

    13. 错过,浪费(时间)
          If you lose time, something slows you down so that you do not make as much progress as you hoped.

          e.g. They claim that police lost valuable time in the early part of the investigation...
          e.g. Six hours were lost in all.

    14. 错过,浪费(机会)
          If you lose an opportunity, you do not take advantage of it.

          e.g. If you don't do it soon you're going to lose the opportunity...
          e.g. They did not lose the opportunity to say what they thought of events.

    15. 使专注(于);使沉湎(于)
          If you lose yourself in something or if you are lost in it, you give a lot of attention to it and do not think about anything else.

          e.g. Michael held on to her arm, losing himself in the music...
          e.g. He was lost in the contemplation of the landscape.

    16. 亏损
          If a business loses money, it earns less money than it spends, and is therefore in debt.

          e.g. His shops stand to lose millions of pounds...
          e.g. $1 billion a year may be lost.

    17. 使失败;使失去
          If something loses you a contest or loses you something that you had, it causes you to fail or to no longer have what you had.

          e.g. My own stupidity lost me the match...
          e.g. His economic mismanagement has lost him the support of the general public.

    18. see also: lost

    Do not confuse lose and loose. Lose is a verb. If you lose something, you no longer have it and cannot find it. I've lost my wallet. The past participle and past tense of lose are both lost. Loose is usually an adjective. If something is loose, it is not properly fixed or held in place. ...the loose floorboards on the landing. ...a loose tooth.
    不要混淆lose和loose。lose为动词,表示丢失, 如:I've lost my wallet(我丢了钱包)。lose的过去式和过去分词均为lost。loose则通常作形容词,表示不牢固或没有固定好,如:the loose floorboards on the landing(楼梯平台上松动的地板),a loose tooth(松动的牙齿)。

    lose 情景对话


    A:I can’t believe it!

    B:What’s wrong? That was a great goal.

    A:Yes, but I bet $200 dollars on the Cougars!

    B:Looks like you’re going to lose out on this game then.


    A:I can’t believe it! I thought the Cougars were going to win for sure.


    B:What were the odds?

    A:20 to 1, in favour of the Cougars!

    B:Too bad.

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