
  • leg

    英:[leg]   美: [lɛɡ] 

    leg 基本解释

    名词腿; 支柱,支架; 裤腿; 一段赛程


    leg 相关词组

    1. try it on the other leg : 试用所剩的最后方法去做;

    2. leg and leg : 双方得分相等, 平分秋色;

    3. show leg : 逃跑;

    4. hang a leg : 犹豫不定;

    5. have not a leg to stand on : 站不住脚;

    6. show a leg : 起床;

    7. get a leg in : 得到...的信任;

    leg 相关例句


    1. He legged after me.


    1. leg

    1. I have a severe pain in my leg.

    2. leg

    2. One of his trouser legs was torn.

    3. We have a leg of mutton for dinner tonight.

    4. leg在线翻译

    4. One leg of the chair is missing.

    leg 网络解释

    1. 脚:射程25米,D6,1/2磅,20银币复合长弓(COMPOSITEBOW)突刺,射程50米,力量攻击强度20,D10,1/2磅,50银币长弓(LONGBOW)突刺,射程60米,力量攻击强度15,D12,1磅,50银币拳(FIST)敲砸,锤击,D4脚(LEG)敲砸,锤击,D6爪(CLAW)刺击,

    2. 足:头部之下有四对肢体,除最前端的一对特化为不分节的触角(antenna)外,其余三对为足(leg). 胸部则每一节下都有一对足. 尾部除一般的足外,还有一对像触角般不分节的尾肢(cercus). 三叶虫的足为二支式,

    3. 航段:例如:目前我们在基隆港,希望往北行驶,第一个目的地是钓鱼台,第二个目的地是琉球为终站;从起点至终点,每站就都是一个航点,航点与航点间的行程称为航段(LEG),从起点依序经过各点至终点琉球等,整个行程我们称之为一条航线或是一条路径(ROUTE)

    4. leg:legacy; 分发库动力论坛

    5. leg:legitimation; 合法化

        A person or animal's legs are the long parts of their body that they use to stand on.

        e.g. He was tapping his walking stick against his leg.

    Her name was Sheila, a long-legged blonde.
    ...a large four-legged animal.
    大型四足动物 词典解释

        A person or animal's legs are the long parts of their body that they use to stand on.

        e.g. He was tapping his walking stick against his leg.

    Her name was Sheila, a long-legged blonde.
    ...a large four-legged animal.

    leg 情景对话



    A:Do you think you could go over that new dance with me again? I missed the last class and don’t want to fall behind.

    B:Sure. Let’s start with a little stretch. Stand up straight, breathe in, and lift your hands over your head.

    A:Like this?


    B:Yes. Now, breathe out and push your hands back down by your sides. Breathe in… and breathe out.Now, bend over and touch your toes. Hold it. Repeat…

    A:I think I’m warmed up now.

    B:To start then, walk sideways to your right three steps. Jump up. Turn around. Then, walk sideways to your right another three steps. Jump up and turn around. Got it?


    A:Yes, but what are we supposed to do with our hands?

    B:Keep them by your side. When we jump up, shake them in front of you.

    A:That’s pretty easy. What’s next?


    B:We do that three times. Then, lift your left leg up to your right hand three times. Jump. Lift your right leg up to your left arm three times. Jump.

    A:Is this right?


    B:Yes, just make sure that you keep your back straight.

    A:How many times do we repeat this?

    B:Three times as well. Then we do the first set again.

    A:Ok, I think I’ve got it. Thanks, Moira!


    B:Not a problem.

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