
  • late

    英:[leɪt]   美: [let] 

    late 基本解释

    形容词已故的; 晚的,迟到的; 时间不早的; 原来的,之前的; 临近终了的

    副词晚,迟; 后期地; 最近地

    late 同义词



    late 反义词



    late 相关词组


    1. of late : 最近, 近来;

    2. early and late : 从早到晚;

    3. of late years : 近年来;

    同义词: behindslow

    late 相关例句


    1. She was an admirer of the late president.

    2. Some late news of the war has just come in.

    3. It is too late to go now.


    1. late

    1. I saw Mr. Wang as late as yesterday.

    2. late的近义词

    2. He got here five minutes late.

    late 网络解释

    1. 迟:立法 = 腿(leg)总是(is)太迟(late)highlight v.强调= 高亮的(high)灯光(light)hostage n. 人质 = 主人(host)的年龄(age)inform v. 通知,告诉,报告 = 在(in)表格(form)里dragon n. 龙 = 长长的龙尾拖拉(drag)在(on)地上

    2. 晚:* 诺亚纪hian Era),从46亿年前到35亿年前(加减一亿年),再细分为早(early、)中(middle)、晚(late)诺亚纪. 这时期火山活动旺盛,陨石撞击频繁,大气层较厚(至少早期是如此),也可能更温暖,而水分多,可能存在湖泊甚至海洋,侵蚀旺盛,

    3. late的翻译

    3. 很晚:尽管很晚(late)才回来,可是心里还是很高兴的. 为什么?因为我们帮朋友搬家了,好多人(many people)去帮忙,大家在一起有说有笑的,很是高兴!We are happy to help each other! ...

    1. (时间上)接近终了,临近末了
        Late means near the end of a day, week, year, or other period of time.

        e.g. It was late in the afternoon...
        e.g. She had to work late at night...

    2. 近日暮的;近深夜的;时间不早的
        If it is late, it is near the end of the day or it is past the time that you feel something should have been done.

        e.g. It was very late and the streets were deserted...
        e.g. We've got to go now. It's getting late.

    A large crowd had gathered despite the lateness of the hour.
    尽管天色已晚,仍有一大群人聚集到了一起。 词典解释

    1. (时间上)接近终了,临近末了
        Late means near the end of a day, week, year, or other period of time.

        e.g. It was late in the afternoon...
        e.g. She had to work late at night...

    2. 近日暮的;近深夜的;时间不早的
        If it is late, it is near the end of the day or it is past the time that you feel something should have been done.

        e.g. It was very late and the streets were deserted...
        e.g. We've got to go now. It's getting late.

    A large crowd had gathered despite the lateness of the hour.

    late 情景对话


    A:Be punctual!

    B:Yes, sir.

    A:You are late again.

    B:I was only five minutes late.

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