
  • large

    英:[lɑ:dʒ]   美: [lɑ:rdʒ] 

    large 基本解释

    large 同义词



    large 反义词


    large 相关词组

    1. at large : 未被捕, 详尽, 普遍;

    2. sail large : 顺风航行;

    3. by and large : 大体上, 基本上;

    4. talk large : 说大话, 吹牛;

    同义词: bigenormousgiantgiganticgrandgreathugeimmensemassivevast

    large 相关例句


    1. Do not write so large.

    2. large的意思

    2. He tends to talk large.

    large 网络解释

    1. large

    1. 大的:标准的(normal)尺寸占用Ribbon的一行(图标侧带有标题),而大的(large)尺寸占用所有的三行(图标下面带有标题). 回调不只是用于在装)标载工作簿时获取控件的属性,也可以使用它们在任何时间改变属性的值.

    2. 大型:此过程如与SLA(Stereo lithography Apparatus)快速原型系统相较,LOM快速原型系统是所有快速原型系统中,效率最高(the most efficient process)的一种快速原型系统,LOM快速原型系统可以制作大型(large)、复杂(compl

    3. 大号:如特级(special grade),一级(first grade),二级(second grade大号(large),中号(medium),小号(small)等. 标准是指商品规格的标准化. 商品的标准一般由标准化组织、政府机关、行业团体、商品交易所等规定并公布. 世界各国都有自己的标准.

    1. 大的;大型的
        A large thing or person is greater in size than usual or average.

        e.g. The Pike lives mainly in large rivers and lakes...
        e.g. In the largest room about a dozen children and seven adults are sitting on the carpet...

    2. 大量的;很多的
        A large amount or number of people or things is more than the average amount or number.

        e.g. The gang finally fled with a large amount of cash and jewellery...
        e.g. There are a large number of centres where you can take full-time courses...

    3. 大型的;大规模的
        A large organization or business does a lot of work or commercial activity and employs a lot of people.

        e.g. ...a large company in Chicago...
        e.g. Many large organizations run courses for their employees.

    4. 重大的;重要的;严重的
        Large is used to indicate that a problem or issue which is being discussed is very important or serious.

        e.g. ...the already large problem of under-age drinking...
        e.g. There's a very large question about the viability of the newspaper.

    Large, big, and great are all used to talk about size. In general, large is more formal than big, and great is more formal than large. Large and big are normally used to describe objects, but you can also use big to suggest that something is important or impressive. ...his influence over the big advertisers. You normally use great to emphasize the importance of someone or something. ...the great English architect, Inigo Jones. However, you can also use great to suggest that something is impressive because of its size. The great bird of prey was a dark smudge against the sun. You can use large or great, but not big, to describe amounts. ...a large amount of blood on the floor. ...the coming of tourists in great numbers. Both big and great can be used to emphasize the intensity of something, although great is more formal. It gives me great pleasure to welcome you... Most of them act like big fools.
    large,big和great均用来谈论大小。一般而言,large比big更为正式,而great又比large更正式。large和big通常用来描述物体,但也可用big来表示某事物重要或令人印象深刻,例如,his influence over the big advertisers(他对大广告客户的影响)。great通常用来强调某人或某事物的重要性:the great English architect, Inigo Jones(英国伟大的建筑师伊尼戈·琼斯)。不过,也可用great来表示某物因为巨大而令人印象深刻:The great bird of prey was a dark smudge against the sun(逆着太阳望去,那只巨大的猛禽只是天空中的一个黑影)。形容数量可用large和great,但不可用big,例如,a large amount of blood on the floor(地板上的一大滩血),the coming of tourists in great numbers(大量游客的到来)。big和great均可用于强调强烈程度,但great更为正式,例如,It gives me great pleasure to welcome you(能欢迎您的到来是我的莫大荣幸),Most of them act like big fools(他们中大多数人都表现得像大傻瓜)。 词典解释

    1. 大的;大型的
        A large thing or person is greater in size than usual or average.

        e.g. The Pike lives mainly in large rivers and lakes...
        e.g. In the largest room about a dozen children and seven adults are sitting on the carpet...

    2. 大量的;很多的
        A large amount or number of people or things is more than the average amount or number.

        e.g. The gang finally fled with a large amount of cash and jewellery...
        e.g. There are a large number of centres where you can take full-time courses...

    3. 大型的;大规模的
        A large organization or business does a lot of work or commercial activity and employs a lot of people.

        e.g. ...a large company in Chicago...
        e.g. Many large organizations run courses for their employees.

    4. 重大的;重要的;严重的
        Large is used to indicate that a problem or issue which is being discussed is very important or serious.

        e.g. ...the already large problem of under-age drinking...
        e.g. There's a very large question about the viability of the newspaper.

    Large, big, and great are all used to talk about size. In general, large is more formal than big, and great is more formal than large. Large and big are normally used to describe objects, but you can also use big to suggest that something is important or impressive. ...his influence over the big advertisers. You normally use great to emphasize the importance of someone or something. ...the great English architect, Inigo Jones. However, you can also use great to suggest that something is impressive because of its size. The great bird of prey was a dark smudge against the sun. You can use large or great, but not big, to describe amounts. ...a large amount of blood on the floor. ...the coming of tourists in great numbers. Both big and great can be used to emphasize the intensity of something, although great is more formal. It gives me great pleasure to welcome you... Most of them act like big fools.
    large,big和great均用来谈论大小。一般而言,large比big更为正式,而great又比large更正式。large和big通常用来描述物体,但也可用big来表示某事物重要或令人印象深刻,例如,his influence over the big advertisers(他对大广告客户的影响)。great通常用来强调某人或某事物的重要性:the great English architect, Inigo Jones(英国伟大的建筑师伊尼戈·琼斯)。不过,也可用great来表示某物因为巨大而令人印象深刻:The great bird of prey was a dark smudge against the sun(逆着太阳望去,那只巨大的猛禽只是天空中的一个黑影)。形容数量可用large和great,但不可用big,例如,a large amount of blood on the floor(地板上的一大滩血),the coming of tourists in great numbers(大量游客的到来)。big和great均可用于强调强烈程度,但great更为正式,例如,It gives me great pleasure to welcome you(能欢迎您的到来是我的莫大荣幸),Most of them act like big fools(他们中大多数人都表现得像大傻瓜)。

    large 情景对话



    A:Is this your standard price ?

    B:Yes ,it is .


    A:It seems too high to me.

    B:We can negotiate the unit price for large orders .

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