
  • lamb

    英:[læm]   美: [læm] 

    lamb 基本解释

    名词羔羊肉; 羔羊,小羊; <宗>耶稣


    lamb 相关词组

    1. like a lamb : 驯顺地, 怯弱地, 天真地;

    lamb 相关例句


    1. The sheep are lambing this week.


    1. lamb是什么意思

    1. Which do you prefer, lamb chops or pork chops?

    lamb 网络解释

    1. 羊肉:巅峰(ziwipeak)的三种猫食,其脂肪含量全都超过20%,羊肉(Lamb)配方的蛋白质含量超过40%,所以这是可以列在餵食幼猫的考虑范围内. 其余配方,鹿肉鳕鱼(Venison & Fish )的蛋白质约为39%,鹿肉(Venison)猫食的蛋白质含量约为38%.

    2. 小羊肉:他们吃肉时都比较讲究,为了达到最好的效果,不同的肉配不同的酱(sauce),牛肉配辣根酱(horseradish sauce),猪肉配甜苹果酱(sweet apple sauce),小羊肉(lamb)配薄荷酱(mint sauce).

    3. 羔羊肉:在欧洲许多国家,复活节当天的主餐均是羔羊肉(lamb),以纪念耶稣本人以及摩西(Moses)借着羔羊的血,领导以色列人出埃及(Exodus). 依据希腊神话(Greek mythology),厄罗斯(Eros,即罗马神话中的丘比特Cupid)将情欲之箭射向冥王哈德斯(Hades),

    1. 羔羊;羊羔;小羊
        A lamb is a young sheep.

    2. (对年幼者慈爱或怜悯的称呼)宝贝,乖乖
        People sometimes use lamb when they are addressing or referring to someone who they are fond of and who is young, gentle, or unfortunate.


        e.g. She came and put her arms around me. 'You poor lamb. What's wrong?'

    3. 温顺地;听话地;任人宰割地
        If you say that people do something like lambs or like lambs to the slaughter, you mean that they do what someone wants them to do without complaining or fighting.

        e.g. The pair surrendered to him like lambs...
        e.g. We follow their every word like lambs to the slaughter.

    4. mutton dressed as lamb -> see mutton


    1. 羔羊;羊羔;小羊
        A lamb is a young sheep.

    2. (对年幼者慈爱或怜悯的称呼)宝贝,乖乖
        People sometimes use lamb when they are addressing or referring to someone who they are fond of and who is young, gentle, or unfortunate.


        e.g. She came and put her arms around me. 'You poor lamb. What's wrong?'

    3. 温顺地;听话地;任人宰割地
        If you say that people do something like lambs or like lambs to the slaughter, you mean that they do what someone wants them to do without complaining or fighting.

        e.g. The pair surrendered to him like lambs...
        e.g. We follow their every word like lambs to the slaughter.

    4. mutton dressed as lamb -> see mutton

    lamb 情景对话



    A:Can I take your order?

    B:I’ll have a (roast beef sandwich on rye/ lamb / hamburger, well-done), please.

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