
  • lady

    英:[ˈleɪdi]   美: [ˈledi] 

    lady 基本解释

    lady 反义词

    同义词: madamwoman

    lady 相关例句


    1. A lady wants to see you, sir.

    2. lady的翻译

    2. She is the daughter of an earl, a lady by birth.

    3. She is a perfect lady.

    lady 网络解释

    1. 淑女:提供许多软性、知性的题材,包括作家访谈、母女谈心、重返职场或跳槽的秘诀、更年期医药常识、退休生涯的规划等,呈现出的价值观趋于保守;第二类是像<<塔特勒>>(Tatler)、<<淑女>>(Lady)之类的刊物,大量刊登影视明星、社交名媛的趣闻轶事,

    2. 小姐:使流行音乐具有浓郁的乡土气息,他曾经获格莱美音乐大奖及11次白金唱片奖,他和乡村歌后陶丽.帕顿的合作非常成功. 我们比较熟悉的他的代表作是<<赌徒的悔恨>>(The Gambler),<<露西尔>>(Lucille),<<小姐>>(Lady)等.

    1. (尤为表示礼貌或尊敬的指称)女士;女子
        You can use lady when you are referring to a woman, especially when you are showing politeness or respect.

        e.g. She's a very sweet old lady...
        e.g. Shall we rejoin the ladies?

    2. 女士们;小姐们
        You can say 'ladies' when you are addressing a group of women in a formal and respectful way.

        e.g. Your table is ready, ladies, if you'd care to come through...
        e.g. Good afternoon, ladies and gentlemen.

    3. (尤指旧时上层阶级的)贵妇,夫人,小姐
        A lady is a woman from the upper classes, especially in former times.

        e.g. ...the Empress and ladies of the Imperial Palace...
        e.g. Our governess was told to make sure we knew how to talk like English ladies.

    4. (在英国用作对女贵族或爵士妻子的称谓)夫人,小姐
        In Britain, Lady is a title used in front of the names of some female members of the nobility, or the wives of knights.

        e.g. Cockburn's arrival coincided with that of Sir Iain and Lady Noble...
        e.g. My dear Lady Mary, how very good to see you.

    5. 淑女;端庄的女士
        If you say that a woman is a lady, you mean that she behaves in a polite, dignified, and graceful way.

        e.g. His wife was great as well, beautiful-looking and a real lady...
        e.g. A lady always sits quietly with her hands in her lap.

    6. 公共女厕;女洗手间
        People sometimes refer to a public toilet for women as the ladies .

        e.g. At Temple station, Charlotte rushed into the Ladies.

    7. (尤用于商店里或街上男子对不相识女子的称谓)女士,小姐
        'Lady' is sometimes used by men as a form of address when they are talking to a woman that they do not know, especially in shops and in the street.


        e.g. What seems to be the trouble, lady?...
        e.g. As she left the litter-strewn lot, an angry voice called out to her. 'Hey, lady!'

    8. see also: First Lady;Our Lady


    1. (尤为表示礼貌或尊敬的指称)女士;女子
        You can use lady when you are referring to a woman, especially when you are showing politeness or respect.

        e.g. She's a very sweet old lady...
        e.g. Shall we rejoin the ladies?

    2. 女士们;小姐们
        You can say 'ladies' when you are addressing a group of women in a formal and respectful way.

        e.g. Your table is ready, ladies, if you'd care to come through...
        e.g. Good afternoon, ladies and gentlemen.

    3. (尤指旧时上层阶级的)贵妇,夫人,小姐
        A lady is a woman from the upper classes, especially in former times.

        e.g. ...the Empress and ladies of the Imperial Palace...
        e.g. Our governess was told to make sure we knew how to talk like English ladies.

    4. (在英国用作对女贵族或爵士妻子的称谓)夫人,小姐
        In Britain, Lady is a title used in front of the names of some female members of the nobility, or the wives of knights.

        e.g. Cockburn's arrival coincided with that of Sir Iain and Lady Noble...
        e.g. My dear Lady Mary, how very good to see you.

    5. 淑女;端庄的女士
        If you say that a woman is a lady, you mean that she behaves in a polite, dignified, and graceful way.

        e.g. His wife was great as well, beautiful-looking and a real lady...
        e.g. A lady always sits quietly with her hands in her lap.

    6. 公共女厕;女洗手间
        People sometimes refer to a public toilet for women as the ladies .

        e.g. At Temple station, Charlotte rushed into the Ladies.

    7. (尤用于商店里或街上男子对不相识女子的称谓)女士,小姐
        'Lady' is sometimes used by men as a form of address when they are talking to a woman that they do not know, especially in shops and in the street.


        e.g. What seems to be the trouble, lady?...
        e.g. As she left the litter-strewn lot, an angry voice called out to her. 'Hey, lady!'

    8. see also: First Lady;Our Lady

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