
  • kind

    英:[kaɪnd]   美: [kaɪnd] 

    kind 基本解释

    1. in kind : 以货代款;

    2. kind of : 有几分;

    3. of a kind : 蹩脚的, 同类的;

    同义词: consideratedecentfriendlygenerousgentlemakenaturesortspeciessympathetictenderthoughtfultypevariety

    kind 相关例句


    1. She was kind to me when I was unhappy.

    2. It's very kind of you to help us.

    3. A kind girl tries to help people and make them happy.


    1. They differ in size but not in kind.

    2. kind的反义词

    2. She is not the kind to tell lies.

    kind 网络解释

    1. 类型:[30]法国法最初认为只需预见损失的类型(kind),损失的范围(extent)不是应预见的对象,但现在已抛弃此种观点,认为该观点不当减弱了法典对债务人的保护,即让债务人对不可预见的结果免承担责任任而提供的保护.

    2. 善良:这可看出东西文化的不同,他们都是东一句温大夫西一句温大夫,然后看到在下做阿麦(Ahmad-司机的意思)就不时说你很善良(Kind),又分丘来分丘去的(Thank You),害得在下也一直应不太灵光的阴沟里死(English),比如这是在下的普丽尺(Pleasure),


    1. 种类
        If you talk about a particular kind of thing, you are talking about one of the types or sorts of that thing.

        e.g. The party needs a different kind of leadership...
        e.g. Had Jamie ever been in any kind of trouble?...

    2. 同类人
        If you refer to someone's kind, you are referring to all the other people that are like them or that belong to the same class or set.

        e.g. I hate Lewis and his kind just as much as you do...
        e.g. I can take care of your kind.

    3. 各种类型的;五花八门的
        You can use all kinds of to emphasize that there are a great number and variety of particular things or people.

        e.g. Adoption can fail for all kinds of reasons...
        e.g. Donations came from all kinds of people...

    4. 稍微;有几分;有点儿
        You use kind of when you want to say that something or someone can be roughly described in a particular way.


        e.g. It was kind of sad, really...
        e.g. She wasn't beautiful. But she was kind of cute...

    5. 名不副实,徒有其名(指不如本应有的那么好)
        You can use of a kind to indicate that something is not as good as it might be expected to be, but that it seems to be the best that is possible or available.

        e.g. There is good news of a kind for the Prime Minister...
        e.g. She finds solace of a kind in alcohol.

    6. 独一无二的;独特的
        If you refer to someone or something as one of a kind, you mean that there is nobody or nothing else like them.

        e.g. She's a very unusual woman, one of a kind.

    7. 两个/三个/四个同一类的
        If you refer, for example, to two, three, or four of a kind, you mean two, three, or four similar people or things that seem to go well or belong together.


        e.g. They were two of a kind, from the same sort of background.

    8. 以同样的方式
        If you respond in kind, you react to something that someone has done to you by doing the same thing to them.

        e.g. They hurled defiant taunts at the riot police, who responded in kind.

    9. 以实物支付;以货代款;以服务偿付
        If you pay a debt in kind, you pay it in the form of goods or services and not money.

        e.g. Inflation and the shortage of banknotes has forced factories to pay their workers in kind.
        e.g. ...benefits in kind.



    1. 种类
        If you talk about a particular kind of thing, you are talking about one of the types or sorts of that thing.

        e.g. The party needs a different kind of leadership...
        e.g. Had Jamie ever been in any kind of trouble?...

    2. 同类人
        If you refer to someone's kind, you are referring to all the other people that are like them or that belong to the same class or set.

        e.g. I hate Lewis and his kind just as much as you do...
        e.g. I can take care of your kind.

    3. 各种类型的;五花八门的
        You can use all kinds of to emphasize that there are a great number and variety of particular things or people.

        e.g. Adoption can fail for all kinds of reasons...
        e.g. Donations came from all kinds of people...

    4. 稍微;有几分;有点儿
        You use kind of when you want to say that something or someone can be roughly described in a particular way.


        e.g. It was kind of sad, really...
        e.g. She wasn't beautiful. But she was kind of cute...

    5. 名不副实,徒有其名(指不如本应有的那么好)
        You can use of a kind to indicate that something is not as good as it might be expected to be, but that it seems to be the best that is possible or available.

        e.g. There is good news of a kind for the Prime Minister...
        e.g. She finds solace of a kind in alcohol.

    6. 独一无二的;独特的
        If you refer to someone or something as one of a kind, you mean that there is nobody or nothing else like them.

        e.g. She's a very unusual woman, one of a kind.

    7. 两个/三个/四个同一类的
        If you refer, for example, to two, three, or four of a kind, you mean two, three, or four similar people or things that seem to go well or belong together.


        e.g. They were two of a kind, from the same sort of background.

    8. 以同样的方式
        If you respond in kind, you react to something that someone has done to you by doing the same thing to them.

        e.g. They hurled defiant taunts at the riot police, who responded in kind.

    9. 以实物支付;以货代款;以服务偿付
        If you pay a debt in kind, you pay it in the form of goods or services and not money.

        e.g. Inflation and the shortage of banknotes has forced factories to pay their workers in kind.
        e.g. ...benefits in kind.

    kind 情景对话


    A:What kind of sports do you like?

    B:Anything outdoor is prefeered.

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