
  • keep

    英:[ki:p]   美: [kip] 

    keep 基本解释

    1. keep at : 坚持, 纠缠;

    2. keep away : 避开;

    3. keep back : 阻止, 隐瞒, 留下;

    4. keep down : 卧下, 镇压, 控制, 缩减;

    5. keep off : 不接近, 让开;

    6. keep out of : 置身于外;

    7. keep in with : 不断讨好;

    8. keep up with the Joneses : 赶时髦; 与他人攀比; ;

    9. keep up : 维持, 继续, 保持;

    10. keep on at : 纠缠, 使烦恼;

    11. keep in : 抑制, 隐瞒, 隐藏;

    12. keep under : 压制, 控制;

    13. keep out : 使在外;

    14. for keeps : 归赢者所得, 认真的, 永远;

    15. keep to oneself : 保守秘密, 不交际;

    16. keep to : 遵循;

    17. keep on : 继续;

    18. earn one's keep : 值得雇用, 挣饭吃;

    19. keep from : 抑制;

    20. keep up with : 跟上;

    同义词: continueguardhaveholdmaintainobservepreserveprotectsavetend

    keep 相关例句


    1. Keep the baby warm.

    2. Mary keeps a diary.

    3. The police are keeping / standing guard over the house.

    1. keep的翻译

    1. He always keeps to his promises.


    1. Please keep quiet.

    keep 网络解释

    1. 继续:一定能完成(finish)你想做的事,不要介意(mind)失败,故事内容: 怎麼做 才能避免(avoid) 浪费(waste)人生呢enjoy (享受) 人生的方法 就是努力完成(finish)目标或梦想不要在意(mind) 会花费(spend) 多少时间要继续(keep) 练习(pract

    2. 要塞:匈奴人不擅长阵地战和防守,没有要塞(Keep)和增强城墙,一打就报废. 但是前期容易取得人数上的优势,但是在帝王后就不太明显了,遇到科技强国的时候就不太好了. 骑兵科技可以升级到满,有圣殿骑士(Paladin)和鞭挞骑兵,比较厉害啊~~

    1. (使)保持
        If someone keeps or is kept in a particular state, they remain in it.

        e.g. The noise kept him awake...
        e.g. Reggie was being kept busy behind the bar...

    2. (使)处于;(使)留在
        If you keep or you are kept in a particular position or place, you remain in it.


        e.g. Keep away from the doors while the train is moving...
        e.g. He kept his head down, hiding his features...

    3. (使)坚持(避免或不卷入)
        If you keep off something or keep away from it, you avoid it. If you keep out of something, you avoid getting involved in it. You can also say that you keep someone off ,away from or out of something.


        e.g. I managed to stick to the diet and keep off sweet foods...
        e.g. He's going to be a fantastic player if he keeps away from booze and women...

    4. 阻止(或防止、阻碍)…做
        If someone or something keeps you from a particular action, they prevent you from doing it.

        e.g. Embarrassment has kept me from doing all sorts of things...
        e.g. He kept her from being lonely...

    5. 忍住(或克制)不做
        If you try to keep from doing something, you try to stop yourself from doing it.


        e.g. She bit her lip to keep from crying...
        e.g. He had to lean on Dan to keep from falling.

    6. 保守;隐瞒
        If you keep something from someone, you do not tell them about it.

        e.g. She knew that Gabriel was keeping something from her.

    7. 重复;继续
        If you keep doing something, you do it repeatedly or continue to do it.

        e.g. I keep forgetting it's December...
        e.g. I turned back after a while, but he kept walking...

    8. (与某些名词连用,表示持续一段时间或继续做某事)持续,继续(持有或控制)
        Keep is used with some nouns to indicate that someone does something for a period of time or continues to do it. For example, if you keep a grip on something, you continue to hold or control it.

        e.g. Until last year, the regime kept a tight grip on the country...
        e.g. One of them would keep a look-out on the road behind to warn us of approaching vehicles...

    9. 保留;保有;留有
        If you keep something, you continue to have it in your possession and do not throw it away, give it away, or sell it.


        e.g. 'I like this dress,' she said. 'Keep it. You can have it,' said Daphne...
        e.g. Lathan had to choose between marrying her and keeping his job.

    10. 存放;储存
        If you keep something in a particular place, you always have it or store it in that place so that you can use it whenever you need it.

        e.g. She kept her money under the mattress...
        e.g. She remembered where she kept the gun...

    11. 遵守;笃守;恪守
          When you keep something such as a promise or an appointment, you do what you said you would do.


          e.g. I'm hoping you'll keep your promise to come for a long visit...
          e.g. He had again failed to keep his word.

    12. 记下;记录;记载
          If you keep a record of a series of events, you write down details of it so that they can be referred to later.

          e.g. Eleanor began to keep a diary...
          e.g. The volunteers kept a record of everything they ate for a week.

    13. 供养;抚养;养活
          If you keep yourself or keep someone else, you support yourself or the other person by earning enough money to provide food, clothing, money, and other necessary things.

          e.g. She could just about afford to keep her five kids...
          e.g. I just cannot afford to keep myself...

    14. 生活费用
          Someone's keep is the cost of food and other things that they need in their daily life.

          e.g. Ray will earn his keep on local farms while studying...
          e.g. I need to give my parents money for my keep.

    15. 饲养
          If you keep animals, you own them and take care of them.

          e.g. I've brought you some eggs. We keep chickens...
          e.g. This mad writer kept a lobster as a pet.

    16. 开设;经营;管理
          If you keep a business such as a small shop or hotel, you own it and manage it.

          e.g. His father kept a village shop.

    17. 使耽搁;使延误
          If someone or something keeps you, they delay you and make you late.

          e.g. Sorry to keep you, Jack...
          e.g. 'What kept you?' — 'I went in the wrong direction.'

    18. (食物)保持不坏
          If food keeps for a certain length of time, it stays fresh and suitable to eat for that time.


          e.g. Whatever is left over may be put into the refrigerator, where it will keep for 2-3 weeks.

    19. (用于询问健康状况)保持健康
          You can say or ask how someone is keeping as a way of saying or asking whether they are well.

          e.g. She hasn't been keeping too well lately...
          e.g. How are you keeping these days?

    20. (中世纪的)城堡主楼
          A keep is the main tower of a medieval castle, in which people lived.

    21. 继续做;坚持干
          If you keep at it, you continue doing something that you have started, even if you are tired and would prefer to stop.

          e.g. It may take a number of attempts, but it is worth keeping at it...
          e.g. 'Keep at it!' Thade encouraged me.

    22. 永远;永不更改地
          Something that is for keeps is permanent and will not change.

          e.g. Ensure that whatever you gain now will be for keeps...
          e.g. He advised them to leave town for keeps.

    23. 继续移动;坚持干
          If you keep going, you continue moving along or doing something that you have started, even if you are tired and would prefer to stop.


          e.g. She forced herself to keep going...
          e.g. I was shouting: 'Keep going, keep going!'

    24. 协调/不协调;一致/不一致
          If one thing is in keeping with another, it is suitable in relation to that thing. If one thing is out of keeping with another, it is not suitable in relation to that thing.


          e.g. His office was in keeping with his station and experience...
          e.g. In keeping with tradition, the Emperor and Empress did not attend the ceremony...

    25. 继续努力
          If you keep it up, you continue working or trying as hard as you have been in the past.

          e.g. There are fears that he will not be able to keep it up when he gets to the particularly demanding third year...
          e.g. You're doing a great job! Keep it up!

    26. 把…秘而不宣;不将…说出去
          If you keep something to yourself, you do not tell anyone else about it.


          e.g. I have to tell someone. I can't keep it to myself...
          e.g. There's one thing you can do for me. But keep it to yourself.

    27. 离群索居;不与人来往
          If you keep yourself to yourself or keep to yourself, you stay on your own most of the time and do not mix socially with other people.


          e.g. He was a quiet man who kept himself to himself...
          e.g. Since she knows little Italian, she keeps to herself.

    28. to keep someone company -> see company
          to keep your end up -> see end
          to keep a straight face -> see face
          to keep your hand in -> see hand
          to keep your head -> see head
          to keep house -> see house
          to keep pace -> see pace
          to keep the peace -> see peace
          to keep a secret -> see secret
          to keep time -> see time
          to keep track -> see track

    相关词组:keep backkeep downkeep in withkeep onkeep on aboutkeep on atkeep tokeep up


    1. (使)保持
        If someone keeps or is kept in a particular state, they remain in it.

        e.g. The noise kept him awake...
        e.g. Reggie was being kept busy behind the bar...

    2. (使)处于;(使)留在
        If you keep or you are kept in a particular position or place, you remain in it.


        e.g. Keep away from the doors while the train is moving...
        e.g. He kept his head down, hiding his features...

    3. (使)坚持(避免或不卷入)
        If you keep off something or keep away from it, you avoid it. If you keep out of something, you avoid getting involved in it. You can also say that you keep someone off ,away from or out of something.


        e.g. I managed to stick to the diet and keep off sweet foods...
        e.g. He's going to be a fantastic player if he keeps away from booze and women...

    4. 阻止(或防止、阻碍)…做
        If someone or something keeps you from a particular action, they prevent you from doing it.

        e.g. Embarrassment has kept me from doing all sorts of things...
        e.g. He kept her from being lonely...

    5. 忍住(或克制)不做
        If you try to keep from doing something, you try to stop yourself from doing it.


        e.g. She bit her lip to keep from crying...
        e.g. He had to lean on Dan to keep from falling.

    6. 保守;隐瞒
        If you keep something from someone, you do not tell them about it.

        e.g. She knew that Gabriel was keeping something from her.

    7. 重复;继续
        If you keep doing something, you do it repeatedly or continue to do it.

        e.g. I keep forgetting it's December...
        e.g. I turned back after a while, but he kept walking...

    8. (与某些名词连用,表示持续一段时间或继续做某事)持续,继续(持有或控制)
        Keep is used with some nouns to indicate that someone does something for a period of time or continues to do it. For example, if you keep a grip on something, you continue to hold or control it.

        e.g. Until last year, the regime kept a tight grip on the country...
        e.g. One of them would keep a look-out on the road behind to warn us of approaching vehicles...

    9. 保留;保有;留有
        If you keep something, you continue to have it in your possession and do not throw it away, give it away, or sell it.


        e.g. 'I like this dress,' she said. 'Keep it. You can have it,' said Daphne...
        e.g. Lathan had to choose between marrying her and keeping his job.

    10. 存放;储存
        If you keep something in a particular place, you always have it or store it in that place so that you can use it whenever you need it.

        e.g. She kept her money under the mattress...
        e.g. She remembered where she kept the gun...

    11. 遵守;笃守;恪守
          When you keep something such as a promise or an appointment, you do what you said you would do.


          e.g. I'm hoping you'll keep your promise to come for a long visit...
          e.g. He had again failed to keep his word.

    12. 记下;记录;记载
          If you keep a record of a series of events, you write down details of it so that they can be referred to later.

          e.g. Eleanor began to keep a diary...
          e.g. The volunteers kept a record of everything they ate for a week.

    13. 供养;抚养;养活
          If you keep yourself or keep someone else, you support yourself or the other person by earning enough money to provide food, clothing, money, and other necessary things.

          e.g. She could just about afford to keep her five kids...
          e.g. I just cannot afford to keep myself...

    14. 生活费用
          Someone's keep is the cost of food and other things that they need in their daily life.

          e.g. Ray will earn his keep on local farms while studying...
          e.g. I need to give my parents money for my keep.

    15. 饲养
          If you keep animals, you own them and take care of them.

          e.g. I've brought you some eggs. We keep chickens...
          e.g. This mad writer kept a lobster as a pet.

    16. 开设;经营;管理
          If you keep a business such as a small shop or hotel, you own it and manage it.

          e.g. His father kept a village shop.

    17. 使耽搁;使延误
          If someone or something keeps you, they delay you and make you late.

          e.g. Sorry to keep you, Jack...
          e.g. 'What kept you?' — 'I went in the wrong direction.'

    18. (食物)保持不坏
          If food keeps for a certain length of time, it stays fresh and suitable to eat for that time.


          e.g. Whatever is left over may be put into the refrigerator, where it will keep for 2-3 weeks.

    19. (用于询问健康状况)保持健康
          You can say or ask how someone is keeping as a way of saying or asking whether they are well.

          e.g. She hasn't been keeping too well lately...
          e.g. How are you keeping these days?

    20. (中世纪的)城堡主楼
          A keep is the main tower of a medieval castle, in which people lived.

    21. 继续做;坚持干
          If you keep at it, you continue doing something that you have started, even if you are tired and would prefer to stop.

          e.g. It may take a number of attempts, but it is worth keeping at it...
          e.g. 'Keep at it!' Thade encouraged me.

    22. 永远;永不更改地
          Something that is for keeps is permanent and will not change.

          e.g. Ensure that whatever you gain now will be for keeps...
          e.g. He advised them to leave town for keeps.

    23. 继续移动;坚持干
          If you keep going, you continue moving along or doing something that you have started, even if you are tired and would prefer to stop.


          e.g. She forced herself to keep going...
          e.g. I was shouting: 'Keep going, keep going!'

    24. 协调/不协调;一致/不一致
          If one thing is in keeping with another, it is suitable in relation to that thing. If one thing is out of keeping with another, it is not suitable in relation to that thing.


          e.g. His office was in keeping with his station and experience...
          e.g. In keeping with tradition, the Emperor and Empress did not attend the ceremony...

    25. 继续努力
          If you keep it up, you continue working or trying as hard as you have been in the past.

          e.g. There are fears that he will not be able to keep it up when he gets to the particularly demanding third year...
          e.g. You're doing a great job! Keep it up!

    26. 把…秘而不宣;不将…说出去
          If you keep something to yourself, you do not tell anyone else about it.


          e.g. I have to tell someone. I can't keep it to myself...
          e.g. There's one thing you can do for me. But keep it to yourself.

    27. 离群索居;不与人来往
          If you keep yourself to yourself or keep to yourself, you stay on your own most of the time and do not mix socially with other people.


          e.g. He was a quiet man who kept himself to himself...
          e.g. Since she knows little Italian, she keeps to herself.

    28. to keep someone company -> see company
          to keep your end up -> see end
          to keep a straight face -> see face
          to keep your hand in -> see hand
          to keep your head -> see head
          to keep house -> see house
          to keep pace -> see pace
          to keep the peace -> see peace
          to keep a secret -> see secret
          to keep time -> see time
          to keep track -> see track

    相关词组:keep backkeep downkeep in withkeep onkeep on aboutkeep on atkeep tokeep up

    keep 情景对话


    B:It helps keep me (fit/ healthy/ in shape).

    A:That’s good.

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