
  • jaw

    英:[dʒɔ:]   美: [dʒɔ] 

    jaw 基本解释

    名词下巴; 颌; 唠叨; 狭窄入口

    不及物动词闲谈; 唠唠叨叨,喋喋不休; 教训

    jaw 相关例句


    1. jaw什么意思

    1. She jawed him all day about that.


    1. I can't spend all day jawing with you.


    1. The panther held a snake in its jaws.

    2. A strong square jaw is a sign of firm character.

    3. Hold your jaw!

    jaw 网络解释

    1. 颚:鳄鱼线这个指标是Bill William在1998年所提出来的,这个指标旨在判定趋势,利用蓝线-颚(jaw)、红线-齿(teeth)、绿线-唇(lip)及价格的相对位置,分属不同的意义;并且在配合碎形fractal后可进一步得到进出讯号.

    2. 下颌:4.除了圆口类之外,都具备了上,下颌(jaw)颌的作用在于支持口部,加强动物主动 摄食和消化的能力.以下颌上举使口闭合的方式,为脊椎动物所特有,不见于其他类群.

    3. jaw的翻译

    3. 颌:前额( forehead )与下颌(jaw )的宽度大约相同. 前额和下巴( chin )的距离等於两侧脸颊之间的距离,也就是脸长度大约相等於脸宽度. 卷曲发(curly)发型 ,因为这些都会更强调圆型与丰厚饱满. 前额( forehead )明显很宽. 下颌(jaw )很宽又有角的.


    4. 下巴:但有一点很怪,它嘴的力量全在下巴(jaw)的肌肉,所以一定要张开大嘴咬下去,才有劲,若是根本不让它嘴张开,它就一点办法都没有了. 鳄鱼虽然能吃人,但人若在它没张嘴前把它的尖嘴用胳臂抱住,鳄鱼就流不出来眼泪了.

    1. 下巴;下颌
        Your jaw is the lower part of your face below your mouth. The movement of your jaw is sometimes considered to express a particular emotion. For example, if your jaw drops, you are very surprised.

        e.g. He thought for a moment, stroking his well-defined jaw...
        e.g. Meg's jaw dropped in amazement...

        A person's or animal's jaws are the two bones in their head which their teeth are attached to.

        e.g. ...a forest rodent with powerful jaws.

    3. 危险的局面;令人不快的情形
        If you talk about the jaws of something unpleasant such as death or hell, you are referring to a dangerous or unpleasant situation.


        e.g. A family dog rescued a newborn boy from the jaws of death.
        e.g. ...caught in the jaws of world recession.

    4. to snatch defeat from the jaws of victory -> see snatch
        to snatch victory from the jaws of defeat -> see snatch


    1. 下巴;下颌
        Your jaw is the lower part of your face below your mouth. The movement of your jaw is sometimes considered to express a particular emotion. For example, if your jaw drops, you are very surprised.

        e.g. He thought for a moment, stroking his well-defined jaw...
        e.g. Meg's jaw dropped in amazement...

        A person's or animal's jaws are the two bones in their head which their teeth are attached to.

        e.g. ...a forest rodent with powerful jaws.

    3. 危险的局面;令人不快的情形
        If you talk about the jaws of something unpleasant such as death or hell, you are referring to a dangerous or unpleasant situation.


        e.g. A family dog rescued a newborn boy from the jaws of death.
        e.g. ...caught in the jaws of world recession.

    4. to snatch defeat from the jaws of victory -> see snatch
        to snatch victory from the jaws of defeat -> see snatch

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