
  • hold

    英:[həʊld]   美: [hoʊld] 

    hold 基本解释

    1. hold on : 继续;

    2. hold out : 伸出, 提出, 提供, 支持, 维持;

    3. hold to : 坚持;

    同义词: applyassumebearcarryclutchconsidercontaingraspgriphavekeepmaintainoccupypresumeregardretainsupportsupposethink

    hold 相关例句



    1. Hold yourself still.

    2. He held a knife in his hand.

    3. He will hold the paper steady while you draw.


    1. Can you get hold of that rope?

    hold 网络解释

    1. 船舱:然后返回我被困的船舱(Hold),先以湿海绵弄掉招贴画(Poster),再以木塞起子把墙上的圆木块(Knob)拔掉. 由洞往外看,见到黑人约拉巴(Yoruba). 经过一番交谈,我保证让他得到自由后,约拉巴给了我一把刀子(Knife). 向右转便会见到木柱(Post),

    2. 握住:要做侵入性刺激前,给早产儿较正向的抚触,提醒早产儿有医疗处置,若baby仍显不安,会以25%surcrose 0.1-1.0ml滴住在口中,减轻注射时的疼痛;护理人员并以双手握住(hold)早产儿四肢及躯干,让早产儿避免受较大的刺激而惊吓;

    3. hold的意思

    3. hold:hold data; 数据保持


    1. 拿着;握住;托住
        When you hold something, you carry or support it, using your hands or your arms.

        e.g. Hold the knife at an angle...
        e.g. She is holding her journal and a pen...

    2. (紧紧的)拿,握
        Hold is used in expressions such as grab hold of ,catch hold of, and get hold of, to indicate that you close your hand tightly around something, for example to stop something moving or falling.

        e.g. I was woken up by someone grabbing hold of my sleeping bag...
        e.g. A doctor and a nurse caught hold of his arms...

    3. (通常为表示喜爱或安慰而)拥抱,抱住
        When you hold someone, you put your arms round them, usually because you want to show them how much you like them or because you want to comfort them.

        e.g. If only he would hold her close to him.

    4. 用力使(某人)不得动弹
        If you hold someone in a particular position, you use force to keep them in that position and stop them from moving.

        e.g. He then held the man in an armlock until police arrived...
        e.g. I'd got two nurses holding me down.

    5. (使某人不得动弹的)抓住,夹住
        A hold is a particular way of keeping someone in a position using your own hands, arms, or legs.


        e.g. ...use of an unauthorized hold on a handcuffed suspect.

    6. (常指疼伤痛而)按住,捂住
        When you hold a part of your body, you put your hand on or against it, often because it hurts.

        e.g. Soon she was crying bitterly about the pain and was holding her throat.

    7. 使(身体部位)保持(某种姿势)
        When you hold a part of your body in a particular position, you put it into that position and keep it there.

        e.g. Hold your hands in front of your face...
        e.g. He walked at a rapid pace with his back straight and his head held erect.

    8. 把…固定住
        If one thing holds another in a particular position, it keeps it in that position.

        e.g. ...the wooden wedge which held the heavy door open...
        e.g. They used steel pins to hold everything in place.

    9. 存放;盛放;装
        If one thing is used to hold another, it is used to store it.


        e.g. Two knife racks hold her favourite knives.
        e.g. ...the large cardboard and wooden cases used to hold my new appliances.

    10. (船、飞机等的)货舱,行李舱
        In a ship or aeroplane, a hold is a place where cargo or luggage is stored.


        e.g. A fire had been reported in the cargo hold.

    11. 储备;储存
          If a place holds something, it keeps it available for reference or for future use.

          e.g. The Small Firms Service holds an enormous amount of information on any business problem...
          e.g. We have reviewed the data that we hold for the area.

    12. 容纳得下
          If something holds a particular amount of something, it can contain that amount.


          e.g. The small bottles don't seem to hold much...
          e.g. One CD-ROM disk can hold over 100,000 pages of text.

    13. 大量喝(酒)而不醉
          If you can hold your drink, you are able to drink large quantities of alcohol without becoming ill or getting drunk.

          e.g. ...but you had to be able to hold your liquor.

    14. (车辆)抓(地)
          If a vehicle holds the road well, it remains in close contact with the road and can be controlled safely and easily.

          e.g. I thought the car held the road really well.

    15. see also: holding



    1. 拿着;握住;托住
        When you hold something, you carry or support it, using your hands or your arms.

        e.g. Hold the knife at an angle...
        e.g. She is holding her journal and a pen...

    2. (紧紧的)拿,握
        Hold is used in expressions such as grab hold of ,catch hold of, and get hold of, to indicate that you close your hand tightly around something, for example to stop something moving or falling.

        e.g. I was woken up by someone grabbing hold of my sleeping bag...
        e.g. A doctor and a nurse caught hold of his arms...

    3. (通常为表示喜爱或安慰而)拥抱,抱住
        When you hold someone, you put your arms round them, usually because you want to show them how much you like them or because you want to comfort them.

        e.g. If only he would hold her close to him.

    4. 用力使(某人)不得动弹
        If you hold someone in a particular position, you use force to keep them in that position and stop them from moving.

        e.g. He then held the man in an armlock until police arrived...
        e.g. I'd got two nurses holding me down.

    5. (使某人不得动弹的)抓住,夹住
        A hold is a particular way of keeping someone in a position using your own hands, arms, or legs.


        e.g. ...use of an unauthorized hold on a handcuffed suspect.

    6. (常指疼伤痛而)按住,捂住
        When you hold a part of your body, you put your hand on or against it, often because it hurts.

        e.g. Soon she was crying bitterly about the pain and was holding her throat.

    7. 使(身体部位)保持(某种姿势)
        When you hold a part of your body in a particular position, you put it into that position and keep it there.

        e.g. Hold your hands in front of your face...
        e.g. He walked at a rapid pace with his back straight and his head held erect.

    8. 把…固定住
        If one thing holds another in a particular position, it keeps it in that position.

        e.g. ...the wooden wedge which held the heavy door open...
        e.g. They used steel pins to hold everything in place.

    9. 存放;盛放;装
        If one thing is used to hold another, it is used to store it.


        e.g. Two knife racks hold her favourite knives.
        e.g. ...the large cardboard and wooden cases used to hold my new appliances.

    10. (船、飞机等的)货舱,行李舱
        In a ship or aeroplane, a hold is a place where cargo or luggage is stored.


        e.g. A fire had been reported in the cargo hold.

    11. 储备;储存
          If a place holds something, it keeps it available for reference or for future use.

          e.g. The Small Firms Service holds an enormous amount of information on any business problem...
          e.g. We have reviewed the data that we hold for the area.

    12. 容纳得下
          If something holds a particular amount of something, it can contain that amount.


          e.g. The small bottles don't seem to hold much...
          e.g. One CD-ROM disk can hold over 100,000 pages of text.

    13. 大量喝(酒)而不醉
          If you can hold your drink, you are able to drink large quantities of alcohol without becoming ill or getting drunk.

          e.g. ...but you had to be able to hold your liquor.

    14. (车辆)抓(地)
          If a vehicle holds the road well, it remains in close contact with the road and can be controlled safely and easily.

          e.g. I thought the car held the road really well.

    15. see also: holding

    hold 情景对话


    A:Don’t you think it might be a good idea to hold the party outside?

    B:I don’t think so.


    A:How about going to a concert?

    B:That suits me fine.

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