
  • high

    英:[haɪ]   美: [haɪ] 

    high 基本解释

    1. high and low : 到处;

    2. high and dry : 孤立无援, 搁浅;

    3. high and mighty : 趾高气扬的;

    4. on high : 在高处, 在天空;

    同义词: chiefeminentgrandgreatimportantloftymainsharpsteeptall

    high 相关例句


    1. Washington is a man of high character.

    2. He is a high official in the government.

    3. The speaker has a very high voice.


    1. The eagle flies high.


    1. The weatherman reports a high moving in.

    high 网络解释

    2. 高点:

    低点 (Low)到通道的最低处 (价格可能上涨)或者高点(High)到通道的最高处(价格可能下降)

    3. high:human discomfort growth hormone; 人生长激素

    1. 高的(不用于形容人或动植物)
        Something that is high extends a long way from the bottom to the top when it is upright. You do not use high to describe people, animals, or plants.

        e.g. ...a house, with a high wall all around it...
        e.g. Mount Marcy is the highest mountain in the Adirondacks.

    The word you should use to describe people, animals, or plants is tall. She was rather tall for a woman. Tall is also used to describe buildings such as skyscrapers, and other things whose height is much greater than their width. ...tall pine trees. ...a tall glass vase.
    形容人、动物或植物高时应该用tall。例如,She was rather tall for a woman(她在女人中已是相当高了)。tall 也可以用来形容摩天大楼等建筑物,以及其他高度远远超过宽度的物体。例如,tall pine trees(高挺的松树),a tall glass vase(一只高挑的玻璃花瓶)。 词典解释

    1. 高的(不用于形容人或动植物)
        Something that is high extends a long way from the bottom to the top when it is upright. You do not use high to describe people, animals, or plants.

        e.g. ...a house, with a high wall all around it...
        e.g. Mount Marcy is the highest mountain in the Adirondacks.

    The word you should use to describe people, animals, or plants is tall. She was rather tall for a woman. Tall is also used to describe buildings such as skyscrapers, and other things whose height is much greater than their width. ...tall pine trees. ...a tall glass vase.
    形容人、动物或植物高时应该用tall。例如,She was rather tall for a woman(她在女人中已是相当高了)。tall 也可以用来形容摩天大楼等建筑物,以及其他高度远远超过宽度的物体。例如,tall pine trees(高挺的松树),a tall glass vase(一只高挑的玻璃花瓶)。

    high 情景对话


    A:Did the material work out well for you ?


    B:Not really .

    A:What was wrong?

    B:We felt that the price was too high for the quality .

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