
  • helpful

    英:[ˈhelpfl]   美: [ˈhɛlpfəl] 

    helpful 基本解释


    反义词: helpless

    helpful 相关例句


    1. He has given me a helpful suggestion.

    2. It's always helpful to be well informed.

    3. helpful

    3. The helpful boy carried my bags for me.

    4. helpful的意思

    4. She has been very helpful to us.

    helpful 网络解释


    1. 有益的:通常而言,专家证据对案件的事实认定是有益的(helpful)不一定表示它就是必须的 . 专家证人一般不得对证人证言的可信性出具专家意见,因为英国证据法认为这是法官或陪审员独立即可决定的问题. 只有当证人证言的可信刑事案件的系争点的时候,

    2. 助人为乐:让他们学会礼貌待人(polite)和助人为乐(helpful),牢记并学习中国人民善良(kin-d)、勤劳(hard-working)、勇敢(brave)的民族精神. 教会他们做人的道理. 要提高听力,首先应从多听教学听力录音带入手,如所学的课本录音带、口语教材录音带,

    3. 乐于助人:宋老师的Helping people,有效地将past times 融入在各种句型和图片(关于帮助他人) 中,一些基本动词(如take、read、run、cross)的过去式经过几遍生动的讲解后,孩子们在参与不知不觉就记住它们了. 最后,宋老师还不忘了要学生做一个乐于助人(helpful)的人.

    1. (人)给予帮助的,帮上忙的
        If you describe someone as helpful, you mean that they help you in some way, such as doing part of your job for you or by giving you advice or information.


        e.g. The staff in the London office are helpful but only have limited information...
        e.g. James is a very helpful and cooperative lad...

    They had helpfully provided us with instructions on how to find the house...
    'Perhaps you could check the book?' Moira said helpfully.
    “也许你可以查一下书?”莫伊拉建议道。 词典解释

    1. (人)给予帮助的,帮上忙的
        If you describe someone as helpful, you mean that they help you in some way, such as doing part of your job for you or by giving you advice or information.


        e.g. The staff in the London office are helpful but only have limited information...
        e.g. James is a very helpful and cooperative lad...

    They had helpfully provided us with instructions on how to find the house...
    'Perhaps you could check the book?' Moira said helpfully.
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