
  • hate

    英:[heɪt]   美: [het] 

    hate 基本解释



    同义词: dislikehatred

    hate 相关例句


    1. My cat hates dogs.

    2. To tell you the truth, I hate to do it.

    3. I hate to trouble him.

    4. He hated to have quarrelled with her.


    1. Snakes are my special hate.

    hate 网络解释

    1. (仇恨):马修23岁的时候就自己编写剧本自己担任导演拍摄了一部黑白喜剧短片,后麦HE曾做过电视模特、演员、导演、编剧及电影剪辑师等多种职业,可谓是电影圈里的多面手,1995年,由HE自编自导自演的电影<<仇恨>>(Hate),获得了当年戛纳电影节最佳导演奖,

    1. 仇恨;憎恨;憎恶
        If you hate someone or something, you have an extremely strong feeling of dislike for them.

        e.g. Most people hate him, but they don't dare to say so, because he still rules the country...
        e.g. I hated myself for writing that letter.

    He's probably the most hated man in this county.
    他可能是这个县里最遭人憎恨的人。 词典解释

    1. 仇恨;憎恨;憎恶
        If you hate someone or something, you have an extremely strong feeling of dislike for them.

        e.g. Most people hate him, but they don't dare to say so, because he still rules the country...
        e.g. I hated myself for writing that letter.

    He's probably the most hated man in this county.

    hate 情景对话


    A:Oh!!! I have a horrible toothache.

    B:You should go to the dentist.

    A:I hate dentists.

    B:Well, suffer then. If you have a toothache, you have to go to the dentist.

    A:It always hurts. I hate going.

    B:Stop being such a baby. If it really hurts that much, just let them knock you out.

    A:O.K., O.K., I’ll go.


    B:Good. You feel better after you do.

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