
  • hair

    英:[heə(r)]   美: [her] 

    hair 基本解释

    1. hang by a hair : 千钧一发;

    2. split hairs : 作无益的、琐碎的分析, 在小事上争论不休, 斤斤计较;

    3. do up one's hair : 梳头;

    4. keep one's hair on : 保持冷静;

    5. do one's hair : 做头发;

    6. lose one's hair : 发脾气;


    hair 相关例句


    1. There are a few hairs in the book.

    2. Your hair has grown very long. Go and have your hair cut.

    3. hair是什么意思

    3. The ball missed his head by a hair.

    4. The cat has left her loose hairs all over the ground of the house.

    5. hair是什么意思

    5. The horse has a fine coat of hair.

    hair 网络解释

    1. 头发:墨菲(Mike Murphy)、<<头发>>(Hair)制片人迈克尔?巴特勒(Michael Butler)等,还有成千上万名执行官、专业人士、企业家、家庭主妇、学生,以及所有在研讨班上或私下向我征求建议的人来说,他们也成功地利用这套系统改变了自己的生活.

    2. 毛,发:让我们说,这并未糟得令人震惊,而主要反对意见在于,它发挥 增加票房收入的把戏的作用......<<毛发>>(Hair)中的裸体表演就没能成为象征性的. 对低级、粗鄙、庸俗腐败、奴性的――一句话,自然享乐活动的拒斥(这构成了文化的神圣领域),

    3. hair

    3. 发型:流云时尚秀 主打品牌威娜.是一间结合人(HUMAN),发型(Hair),流行艺术(Hitofpop)的创作空间,拥有江津最知名的创意团队以及超过25位以上受过严......

    4. hair:humoral immune response; 小鼠

    1. 头发
        Your hair is the fine threads that grow in a mass on your head.

        e.g. I wash my hair every night...
        e.g. He has black hair.

    2. 毛发;汗毛;体毛
        Hair is the short, fine threads that grow on different parts of your body.

        e.g. The majority of men have hair on their chest...
        e.g. It tickled the hairs on the back of my neck.

    3. (动物的)毛;(马的)鬃,鬣
        Hair is the threads that cover the body of an animal such as a dog, or make up a horse's mane and tail.

        e.g. I am allergic to cat hair.
        e.g. ...dog hairs on the carpet.

    4. (昆虫、植物上的)茸毛
        Hairs are short, very fine threads that grow on some insects and plants.

        e.g. The stinging nettle has a square stem and little hairs.

    Hair can be both a count and an uncount noun. When you are describing people, you usually use the uncount sense. She has long blonde hair and blue eyes. ...the girl with red hair and freckles. However, when you particularly want to refer to one or several of the individual strands that grow from your head or body, you can use the count sense. There were some blonde hairs in the car... a single fibre thinner than a hair.
    hair 既可作可数名词,又可作不可数名词。用来描述人时,通常取不可数名词的意思,如:She has long blonde hair and blue eyes(她有着长长的金发和蓝色的眼睛),the girl with red hair and freckles(一头红发面带雀斑的女孩)。但如果要特指头上或身上的某一缕或几缕毛发,就取可数名词的意思,如:There were some blonde hairs in the car(车里有几根金发),a single fibre thinner than a hair(一根比头发丝还要细的纤维)。 词典解释

    1. 头发
        Your hair is the fine threads that grow in a mass on your head.

        e.g. I wash my hair every night...
        e.g. He has black hair.

    2. 毛发;汗毛;体毛
        Hair is the short, fine threads that grow on different parts of your body.

        e.g. The majority of men have hair on their chest...
        e.g. It tickled the hairs on the back of my neck.

    3. (动物的)毛;(马的)鬃,鬣
        Hair is the threads that cover the body of an animal such as a dog, or make up a horse's mane and tail.

        e.g. I am allergic to cat hair.
        e.g. ...dog hairs on the carpet.

    4. (昆虫、植物上的)茸毛
        Hairs are short, very fine threads that grow on some insects and plants.

        e.g. The stinging nettle has a square stem and little hairs.

    Hair can be both a count and an uncount noun. When you are describing people, you usually use the uncount sense. She has long blonde hair and blue eyes. ...the girl with red hair and freckles. However, when you particularly want to refer to one or several of the individual strands that grow from your head or body, you can use the count sense. There were some blonde hairs in the car... a single fibre thinner than a hair.
    hair 既可作可数名词,又可作不可数名词。用来描述人时,通常取不可数名词的意思,如:She has long blonde hair and blue eyes(她有着长长的金发和蓝色的眼睛),the girl with red hair and freckles(一头红发面带雀斑的女孩)。但如果要特指头上或身上的某一缕或几缕毛发,就取可数名词的意思,如:There were some blonde hairs in the car(车里有几根金发),a single fibre thinner than a hair(一根比头发丝还要细的纤维)。

    hair 情景对话


    A:Do you cut both men’s and women’s hair?

    C:Yes, we have various styles, such as hair bobbed and shoulder length hair. How do you want it?

    A:I want a haircut and a shave, please.

    B:I would like a shampoo and my hair dyed.


    C:What shampoo do you prefer? And what color do you prefer?

    C:How would you like your hair cut, sir?

    A:I want to keep the same fashion.

    B:I want my hair dyed black.

    C:All right. Will you please sit over here?

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