
  • grade

    英:[greɪd]   美: [ɡred] 

    grade 基本解释


    grade 相关例句



    1. The pearls are carefully graded.

    2. The teacher spent all weekend grading the children's papers.


    1. The colors graded gradually from orange to yellow.


    1. He received a failing grade on the term paper.

    2. grade的反义词

    2. The twins will enter the fourth grade this fall.

    grade 网络解释

    1. 年级:有学生student:学号(studentID),姓名(Name),年龄(Age),性别(Sex),年级(Grade) 有分数score:语文,数学,英语 现按照范式,规范的设计数据库表结构,要考虑学生的升级情况.并完成下列要求: 查询给定学生的学生成绩这样好像行啦,

    2. 等级:☆ 品名(Name) 高档纯棉割绒绣花毛巾☆ 等级(Grade) 一等品☆ 颜色(Color) 红色、紫色、蓝色☆ 成分(Composition) 纯棉

    3. 度:多发性创伤的伤者,采行非手术处理并没有较高的死亡率,也就是不再局限於单纯的肝脾外伤而已,肝脏伤害的程度(grade)也不再局限轻微的等级. 对於脾脏的非手术结果,虽然年龄、伤害程度和出血量三者有较高的失败比例,

    4. 级别:现以成年猫组的喜玛拉雅为例,首先按照颜色(Color)可分为4CAA注册猫组的比赛比较复杂,比赛由不同级别(Grade) 、品种(Breed)、颜色(Color)、性别(Sex)遂次分项开始评选,如金字塔般筛选至最后由每个全猫种裁判各自评选出前十名猫只(Top 10 Cats).

    5. grade是什么意思

    5. grade:graphical application development environment; 图形应用开发环境

    1. 将…分等级
        If something is graded, its quality is judged, and it is often given a number or a name that indicates how good or bad it is.


        e.g. Dust masks are graded according to the protection they offer...
        e.g. South Point College does not grade the students' work.

    2. (尤指正式评定的)等级,品级
        The grade of a product is its quality, especially when this has been officially judged.


        e.g. ...a grade II listed building.

    3. (用数字或字母表示的)成绩,评分
        Your grade in an examination or piece of written work is the mark you get, usually in the form of a letter or number, that indicates your level of achievement.

        e.g. What grade are you hoping to get?...
        e.g. There was a lot of pressure on you to obtain good grades.

    4. (职位的)级别,等级
        Your grade in a company or organization is your level of importance or your rank.


        e.g. Staff turnover is particularly high among junior grades.

    5. (美国学校中的)年级
        In the United States, a grade is a group of classes in which all the children are of a similar age. When you are six years old you go into the first grade and you leave school after the twelfth grade.


        e.g. Mr White teaches first grade in south Georgia.

    6. 斜坡
        A grade is a slope.

        e.g. She drove up a steep grade and then began the long descent into the desert.

    in AM, use 美国英语用 gradient 词典解释

    1. 将…分等级
        If something is graded, its quality is judged, and it is often given a number or a name that indicates how good or bad it is.


        e.g. Dust masks are graded according to the protection they offer...
        e.g. South Point College does not grade the students' work.

    2. (尤指正式评定的)等级,品级
        The grade of a product is its quality, especially when this has been officially judged.


        e.g. ...a grade II listed building.

    3. (用数字或字母表示的)成绩,评分
        Your grade in an examination or piece of written work is the mark you get, usually in the form of a letter or number, that indicates your level of achievement.

        e.g. What grade are you hoping to get?...
        e.g. There was a lot of pressure on you to obtain good grades.

    4. (职位的)级别,等级
        Your grade in a company or organization is your level of importance or your rank.


        e.g. Staff turnover is particularly high among junior grades.

    5. (美国学校中的)年级
        In the United States, a grade is a group of classes in which all the children are of a similar age. When you are six years old you go into the first grade and you leave school after the twelfth grade.


        e.g. Mr White teaches first grade in south Georgia.

    6. 斜坡
        A grade is a slope.

        e.g. She drove up a steep grade and then began the long descent into the desert.

    in AM, use 美国英语用 gradient

    grade 情景对话



    A:You know, Ralph, since I started speaking English all the time my pronunciation's getting better and even the grammar's beginning to make some sense. But I don't think I'll ever be able to spell.

    B:You're not alone there.I have trouble with spelling too. When I was in grade school. I learned which words were the most frequently misspelled. But I never did learn how to spell them.
          不是你一个人如此。我在拼音方面也有困难。当我上小学的时候,我知道哪些词是经常拼错的, 但我没有学会如何拼这些词。

    A:Since it's so difficult, why is it so important to learn how to spell properly?


    B:Because if you spell satisfactorily, you're considered educated.If you don't, you're not.
          因为如果你能准确无误地拼音,人家就会把你看作受到教育的人。 否则,在别人眼里你是个缺乏教育的人。

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