
  • gap

    英:[gæp]   美: [ɡæp] 

    gap 基本解释


    gap 相关例句


    1. gap的翻译

    1. She had gaps in her teeth.

    2. gap的反义词

    2. There are wide gaps in my knowledge of history.

    3. The gap between the rich and the poor has widened.

    4. There are still gaps in my knowledge of English.

    gap 网络解释

    1. 间隔:这可以通过打开、关断天线(即把CFE(2)管脚设置为高、低电子)产生短暂的RF信号间隔(gap)来把RF信号分割成不同长短的区间的方法对数据进行编码. 起始间隔(Start串口通信模块主要由MAX232CPE构成,

    2. gap什么意思

    2. 空隙:三摩地是作为一个空隙(gap)而开始的,但是它永远不会结束,一个空隙总是开始,然后结束,它有界限:一个开始和一个结束. 但是三摩地以一个空隙开始,然后就永远持续下去,没有结束. 所以,如果那个发生是作为一个空隙而来临的,

    3. gap:general assembly program; 通用汇编程序

    4. gap:generalized association plots; 将广义相关图

    5. gap:generic access profile; 通用访问应用

    6. gap:good agricultural practices; 良好农业规范

    1. 缝隙;缺口;豁口;裂口
        A gap is a space between two things or a hole in the middle of something solid.

        e.g. He pulled the thick curtains together, leaving just a narrow gap.
        e.g. ...the wind tearing through gaps in the window frames.

    2. (时间上的)间断,间隔,间隙
        A gap is a period of time when you are not busy or when you stop doing something that you normally do.

        e.g. There followed a gap of four years, during which William joined the Army.

    3. 漏洞;空白;缺口
        If there is something missing from a situation that prevents it being complete or satisfactory, you can say that there is a gap .

        e.g. We need more young scientists to fill the gap left by a wave of retirements expected over the next decade...
        e.g. Like a good businessman, Stewart identified a gap in the market.

    4. 分歧;差距;隔阂
        A gap between two groups of people, things, or sets of ideas is a big difference between them.

        e.g. ...the gap between rich and poor...
        e.g. America's trade gap widened...


    1. 缝隙;缺口;豁口;裂口
        A gap is a space between two things or a hole in the middle of something solid.

        e.g. He pulled the thick curtains together, leaving just a narrow gap.
        e.g. ...the wind tearing through gaps in the window frames.

    2. (时间上的)间断,间隔,间隙
        A gap is a period of time when you are not busy or when you stop doing something that you normally do.

        e.g. There followed a gap of four years, during which William joined the Army.

    3. 漏洞;空白;缺口
        If there is something missing from a situation that prevents it being complete or satisfactory, you can say that there is a gap .

        e.g. We need more young scientists to fill the gap left by a wave of retirements expected over the next decade...
        e.g. Like a good businessman, Stewart identified a gap in the market.

    4. 分歧;差距;隔阂
        A gap between two groups of people, things, or sets of ideas is a big difference between them.

        e.g. ...the gap between rich and poor...
        e.g. America's trade gap widened...

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