
  • force

    英:[fɔ:s]   美: [fɔ:rs] 

    force 基本解释

    1. in force : 大规模地;

    2. by force : 强迫地;

    force 相关例句


    2. The air force is one of the armed forces.

    3. There is force in what he said.

    force 网络解释

    1. 迫牌:Classic Force,所谓迫牌(Force)就是把魔术师将预先选择好的牌发到观众的手中,而且让观众认为是随机抽到的. 古典迫牌方式(Classic Force)是最难但效果最好的一种迫牌方式. 这里也不继续介绍啦,魔术要保持神秘感^_^


    2. 强制:[root@linux ~]# cp [-adfilprsu] 来源文件(source) 目标文件(destination)-f : 强制(force)的意思,若有重复或其他疑问时,不会询问用户,而强制复制. -i : 若目标文件(destination)已经存在,在覆盖时会先询问是否真的操作.

    1. 强迫;强制
        If someone forces you to do something, they make you do it even though you do not want to, for example by threatening you.

        e.g. He was charged with abducting a taxi driver and forcing him to drive a bomb to Downing Street...
        e.g. He was forced to resign by Russia's conservative parliament...

    2. 迫使;使必须
        If a situation or event forces you to do something, it makes it necessary for you to do something that you would not otherwise have done.

        e.g. A back injury forced her to withdraw from Wimbledon...
        e.g. He turned right, down a dirt road that forced him into four-wheel drive...

    3. 把…强加给
        If someone forces something on or upon you, they make you accept or use it when you would prefer not to.

        e.g. To force this agreement on the nation is wrong.

    4. 用力使…移动
        If you force something into a particular position, you use a lot of strength to make it move there.

        e.g. They were forcing her head under the icy waters, drowning her.

    5. 强行打开(锁、门等)
        If someone forces a lock, a door, or a window, they break the lock or fastening in order to get into a building without using a key.

        e.g. That evening police forced the door of the flat and arrested Mr Roberts...
        e.g. He tried to force the window open but it was jammed shut.

    6. 暴力;武力
        If someone uses force to do something, or if it is done by force, strong and violent physical action is taken in order to achieve it.


        e.g. The government decided against using force to break-up the demonstrations.
        e.g. ...the guerrillas' efforts to seize power by force.

    7. 力量;力气;威力
        Force is the power or strength which something has.

        e.g. The force of the explosion shattered the windows of several buildings...
        e.g. It looked as though the storm had an awful lot of force.

    8. 力量;影响力
        If you refer to someone or something as a force in a particular type of activity, you mean that they have a strong influence on it.

        e.g. For years the army was the most powerful political force in the country...
        e.g. The band are still as innovative a force in British music as they were when they started...

    9. 影响力;威力;势力
        The force of something is the powerful effect or quality that it has.


        e.g. He changed our world through the force of his ideas...
        e.g. Perhaps your force of argument might have made some difference.

    10. 自然力;非人力
        You can use forces to refer to processes and events that do not appear to be caused by human beings, and are therefore difficult to understand or control.


        e.g. ...the protection of mankind against the forces of nature: epidemics, predators, floods, hurricanes...
        e.g. The principle of market forces was applied to some of the country's most revered institutions...

    11. (物理学上的)力
          In physics, a force is the pulling or pushing effect that something has on something else.


          e.g. ...the earth's gravitational force.
          e.g. ...protons and electrons trapped by magnetic forces in the Van Allen belts.

    12. (置于数字前表示风力的)级数
          Force is used before a number to indicate a wind of a particular speed or strength, especially a very strong wind.

          e.g. The airlift was conducted in force ten winds...
                 空运在 10 级大风中进行。
          e.g. Northerly winds will increase to force six by midday.
                 到中午时分北风会加强到 6 级。

    13. 勉强做出(微笑等)
          If you force a smile or a laugh, you manage to smile or laugh, but with an effort because you are unhappy.

          e.g. Joe forced a smile, but underneath he was a little disturbed...
          e.g. 'Why don't you offer me a drink?' he asked, with a forced smile.

    14. 军事力量;兵力
          Forces are groups of soldiers or military vehicles that are organized for a particular purpose.

          e.g. ...the deployment of American forces in the region.

    15. 军队(指陆海空三军之一或三军)
          The forces means the army, the navy, or the air force, or all three.

          e.g. The more senior you become in the forces, the more likely you are to end up in a desk job.

    16. 警察机关;警察部门
          The force is sometimes used to mean the police force.

          e.g. It was hard for a police officer to make friends outside the force.

    17. 由于;迫于;通过…手段
          If something happens by force of a particular quality, action, or set of circumstances, it happens because of the nature or intensity of that quality, action, or set of circumstances.

          e.g. ...converting the sceptics by force of argument.
          e.g. ...its promise to free Kuwait by force of arms.

    18. 习惯使然;出于习惯
          If you do something from force of habit, you do it because you have always done it in the past, rather than because you have thought carefully about it.


          e.g. He looked around from force of habit, but nobody paid any attention to him...
          e.g. Unconsciously, by force of habit, she plugged the coffee pot in.

    19. (法律、规定或体系)在实施,生效
          A law, rule, or system that is in force exists or is being used.


          e.g. Although the new tax is already in force, you have until November to lodge an appeal.
                 尽管新的税法已经生效,你需要等到 12 月才能提出上诉。

    20. 大规模地;大量
          When people do something in force, they do it in large numbers.

          e.g. Voters turned out in force for their first taste of multi-party elections.

    21. 联合;联手;合力
          If you join forces with someone, you work together in order to achieve a common aim or purpose.

          e.g. Both groups joined forces to persuade voters to approve a tax break for the industry...
          e.g. William joined forces with businessman Nicholas Court to launch the new vehicle.

    22. 挤进;闯出;强行通过
          If you force your way through or into somewhere, you have to push or break things that are in your way in order to get there.

          e.g. The miners were armed with clubs as they forced their way through a police cordon...
          e.g. He forced his way into a house shouting for help.

    23. to force someone's hand -> see hand

    24. 强忍,忍住(情感或欲望)
          If you force back an emotion or desire, you manage, with an effort, not to experience it.

          e.g. Nancy forced back tears. She wasn't going to cry in front of all those people.

    相关词组:force back


    1. 强迫;强制
        If someone forces you to do something, they make you do it even though you do not want to, for example by threatening you.

        e.g. He was charged with abducting a taxi driver and forcing him to drive a bomb to Downing Street...
        e.g. He was forced to resign by Russia's conservative parliament...

    2. 迫使;使必须
        If a situation or event forces you to do something, it makes it necessary for you to do something that you would not otherwise have done.

        e.g. A back injury forced her to withdraw from Wimbledon...
        e.g. He turned right, down a dirt road that forced him into four-wheel drive...

    3. 把…强加给
        If someone forces something on or upon you, they make you accept or use it when you would prefer not to.

        e.g. To force this agreement on the nation is wrong.

    4. 用力使…移动
        If you force something into a particular position, you use a lot of strength to make it move there.

        e.g. They were forcing her head under the icy waters, drowning her.

    5. 强行打开(锁、门等)
        If someone forces a lock, a door, or a window, they break the lock or fastening in order to get into a building without using a key.

        e.g. That evening police forced the door of the flat and arrested Mr Roberts...
        e.g. He tried to force the window open but it was jammed shut.

    6. 暴力;武力
        If someone uses force to do something, or if it is done by force, strong and violent physical action is taken in order to achieve it.


        e.g. The government decided against using force to break-up the demonstrations.
        e.g. ...the guerrillas' efforts to seize power by force.

    7. 力量;力气;威力
        Force is the power or strength which something has.

        e.g. The force of the explosion shattered the windows of several buildings...
        e.g. It looked as though the storm had an awful lot of force.

    8. 力量;影响力
        If you refer to someone or something as a force in a particular type of activity, you mean that they have a strong influence on it.

        e.g. For years the army was the most powerful political force in the country...
        e.g. The band are still as innovative a force in British music as they were when they started...

    9. 影响力;威力;势力
        The force of something is the powerful effect or quality that it has.


        e.g. He changed our world through the force of his ideas...
        e.g. Perhaps your force of argument might have made some difference.

    10. 自然力;非人力
        You can use forces to refer to processes and events that do not appear to be caused by human beings, and are therefore difficult to understand or control.


        e.g. ...the protection of mankind against the forces of nature: epidemics, predators, floods, hurricanes...
        e.g. The principle of market forces was applied to some of the country's most revered institutions...

    11. (物理学上的)力
          In physics, a force is the pulling or pushing effect that something has on something else.


          e.g. ...the earth's gravitational force.
          e.g. ...protons and electrons trapped by magnetic forces in the Van Allen belts.

    12. (置于数字前表示风力的)级数
          Force is used before a number to indicate a wind of a particular speed or strength, especially a very strong wind.

          e.g. The airlift was conducted in force ten winds...
                 空运在 10 级大风中进行。
          e.g. Northerly winds will increase to force six by midday.
                 到中午时分北风会加强到 6 级。

    13. 勉强做出(微笑等)
          If you force a smile or a laugh, you manage to smile or laugh, but with an effort because you are unhappy.

          e.g. Joe forced a smile, but underneath he was a little disturbed...
          e.g. 'Why don't you offer me a drink?' he asked, with a forced smile.

    14. 军事力量;兵力
          Forces are groups of soldiers or military vehicles that are organized for a particular purpose.

          e.g. ...the deployment of American forces in the region.

    15. 军队(指陆海空三军之一或三军)
          The forces means the army, the navy, or the air force, or all three.

          e.g. The more senior you become in the forces, the more likely you are to end up in a desk job.

    16. 警察机关;警察部门
          The force is sometimes used to mean the police force.

          e.g. It was hard for a police officer to make friends outside the force.

    17. 由于;迫于;通过…手段
          If something happens by force of a particular quality, action, or set of circumstances, it happens because of the nature or intensity of that quality, action, or set of circumstances.

          e.g. ...converting the sceptics by force of argument.
          e.g. ...its promise to free Kuwait by force of arms.

    18. 习惯使然;出于习惯
          If you do something from force of habit, you do it because you have always done it in the past, rather than because you have thought carefully about it.


          e.g. He looked around from force of habit, but nobody paid any attention to him...
          e.g. Unconsciously, by force of habit, she plugged the coffee pot in.

    19. (法律、规定或体系)在实施,生效
          A law, rule, or system that is in force exists or is being used.


          e.g. Although the new tax is already in force, you have until November to lodge an appeal.
                 尽管新的税法已经生效,你需要等到 12 月才能提出上诉。

    20. 大规模地;大量
          When people do something in force, they do it in large numbers.

          e.g. Voters turned out in force for their first taste of multi-party elections.

    21. 联合;联手;合力
          If you join forces with someone, you work together in order to achieve a common aim or purpose.

          e.g. Both groups joined forces to persuade voters to approve a tax break for the industry...
          e.g. William joined forces with businessman Nicholas Court to launch the new vehicle.

    22. 挤进;闯出;强行通过
          If you force your way through or into somewhere, you have to push or break things that are in your way in order to get there.

          e.g. The miners were armed with clubs as they forced their way through a police cordon...
          e.g. He forced his way into a house shouting for help.

    23. to force someone's hand -> see hand

    24. 强忍,忍住(情感或欲望)
          If you force back an emotion or desire, you manage, with an effort, not to experience it.

          e.g. Nancy forced back tears. She wasn't going to cry in front of all those people.

    相关词组:force back

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