
  • following

    英:[ˈfɒləʊɪŋ]   美: [ˈfɑ:loʊɪŋ] 

    following 基本解释

    following 同义词

    following 反义词


    同义词: follownext

    following 相关例句


    1. They were married in 1978 and had a daughter the following year.

    2. The following day, the patient asked for a bedside telephone.

    3. He did it for the following reasons.


    1. following的意思

    1. There will be a banquet following the conference.


    1. following的意思

    1. The Prime Minister has a large following.

    2. The Republicans have quite a large following in the North.

    following 网络解释


    1. 後续:在EITp/f中,每个业务service都用两个section分别来描述当前(present)和后续(following)信息,其中的sectionnumber为0的用来描述当前事件,而sectionnumber为1的section则用来描述后续事件.

    2. 跟蹤:失眠(Insomnia)也是克里斯托弗诺兰执导的第三部电影2002年出品犯罪悬疑片由艾尔帕西诺罗宾威廉姆斯希拉里斯万克主演跟踪(Following)克里斯托弗诺兰1998年电影处女作身兼制片人编剧导演摄影剪辑数职一个名叫克伯的窃贼在伦敦的街

    1. 在…之后;紧接着
        Following a particular event means after that event.

        e.g. In the centuries following Christ's death, Christians genuinely believed the world was about to end...
        e.g. Following a day of medical research, the conference focused on educational practices.

    2. 接下来的;之后的
        The following day, week, or year is the day, week, or year after the one you have just mentioned.

        e.g. The following day the picture appeared on the front pages of every newspaper in the world...
        e.g. We went to dinner the following Monday evening...

    3. 接下来的;下面的
        You use following to refer to something that you are about to mention.

        e.g. Write down the following information: name of product, type, date purchased and price...
        e.g. The method of helping such patients is explained in the following chapters.

    4. (统称)支持者,拥护者
        A person or organization that has a following has a group of people who support or admire their beliefs or actions.

        e.g. Australian rugby league enjoys a huge following in New Zealand.

    5. (风向)顺的;顺风的
        If a boat or vehicle has a following wind, the wind is moving in the same direction as the boat or vehicle.

        e.g. The following wind and eastward running tide had given us a very pleasant, lazy sail.


    1. 在…之后;紧接着
        Following a particular event means after that event.

        e.g. In the centuries following Christ's death, Christians genuinely believed the world was about to end...
        e.g. Following a day of medical research, the conference focused on educational practices.

    2. 接下来的;之后的
        The following day, week, or year is the day, week, or year after the one you have just mentioned.

        e.g. The following day the picture appeared on the front pages of every newspaper in the world...
        e.g. We went to dinner the following Monday evening...

    3. 接下来的;下面的
        You use following to refer to something that you are about to mention.

        e.g. Write down the following information: name of product, type, date purchased and price...
        e.g. The method of helping such patients is explained in the following chapters.

    4. (统称)支持者,拥护者
        A person or organization that has a following has a group of people who support or admire their beliefs or actions.

        e.g. Australian rugby league enjoys a huge following in New Zealand.

    5. (风向)顺的;顺风的
        If a boat or vehicle has a following wind, the wind is moving in the same direction as the boat or vehicle.

        e.g. The following wind and eastward running tide had given us a very pleasant, lazy sail.

    following 情景对话


    A:Are you following me?


    B:Yes, I am.

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