
  • five

    英:[faɪv]   美: [faɪv] 

    five 基本解释

    数词第五; 五,五个; 与某人击掌问候(或庆祝胜利)

    名词五,五个; 5美元钞票; [板]得五分

    形容词五的; 五个的

    five 网络解释


    1. 五:☆<<凶手>>(LosMuertos)阿根廷(都灵电影节)☆<<热带病>>(TropicalMalady)泰国(戛纳电影节)☆<<五>>(FIVE)伊朗(戛纳电影节)☆<<托尼瀑谷>>(TonyTakitani)日本(洛迦诺电影节评审团特别奖)☆<<日落之前>>(BeforeSunset)美国(柏林电影节)

    2. 数词:重点复习:基数词词和名词由连词符号连接构成复合形容词,其名词不用复数,数词(five)后不可再接冠词.

    3. 五岁:How old are you, Gerald? Gerald,你今年多大? | Five. 五岁. | And where do you live? 你们住哪?

    4. 他的号码是:Seven after nine? No. I'm sure he's in his office. 九点零七分 不会会太早... | His number is five, five, five, seven, five, three, two. 他的号码是5 5 5 7 5 3 2. | Hello. Mr. Carlson, please. 哈 请找一下...

    5. five:fire induced vulnerability evaluation; 火灾致损评估方法

    1. (数字)5
        Five is the number 5.


        e.g. Eric Edward Bullus was born in Peterborough, the second of five children.
               埃里克·爱德华·布勒斯出生于彼得伯勒,是 5 个孩子中的老二。

    2. 墙手球(一种英式球类运动,球小而硬,戴手套或用球拍向场地的三面墙上击球)
        Fives is a British ball game in which you hit a small hard ball with a glove or bat against three walls of a court.


    1. (数字)5
        Five is the number 5.


        e.g. Eric Edward Bullus was born in Peterborough, the second of five children.
               埃里克·爱德华·布勒斯出生于彼得伯勒,是 5 个孩子中的老二。

    2. 墙手球(一种英式球类运动,球小而硬,戴手套或用球拍向场地的三面墙上击球)
        Fives is a British ball game in which you hit a small hard ball with a glove or bat against three walls of a court.

    five 情景对话


    A:Be punctual!

    B:Yes, sir.

    A:You are late again.


    B:I was only five minutes late.

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