
  • finally

    英:[ˈfaɪnəli]   美: [ˈfaɪnəli] 

    finally 基本解释


    反义词: first

    finally 相关例句


    1. It's not finally settled yet.

    2. They finally realized that the whole thing was a joke.

    finally 网络解释

    1. 最终:凑合组成了个家庭(Family). 只有很少(Few)一部分人比较幸运(Fortun),找到了自己的最爱(Favorite),过上幸福(Fine)生活. 而大多数人的将来(Future),都会逐渐失去感觉(Feeling),最终(Finally)以失败(Fail)告终(Finish).

    1. 终于;总算
        You use finally to suggest that something happens after a long period of time, usually later than you wanted or expected it to happen.

        e.g. The word was finally given for us to get on board...
        e.g. The food finally arrived at the end of last week and distribution began...

    2. 最后地;末尾地
        You use finally to indicate that something is last in a series of actions or events.

        e.g. The action slips from comedy to melodrama and finally to tragedy.

    3. (用于引出观点等)最后,最后要说的是
        You use finally in speech or writing to introduce a final point, question, or topic.


        e.g. Finally, who needs the theatre?...
        e.g. And finally, a word about the winner and runner-up.

    Do not confuse finally and eventually. You say that something finally happens after you have been waiting for it or expecting it for a long time. Finally usually comes at the beginning of a sentence or before a verb. Finally I went to bed... The heat of the sun finally became too much for me. You can also use finally to show that something happens last in a series of events. The sky turned red, then purple, and finally black. When something happens after a lot of delays or complications, you can say that it eventuallyhappens. Eventually they got to the hospital... I found Victoria Avenue eventually. You can also use eventually to talk about what happens at the end of a series of events, often as a result of them. Eventually, they were forced to return to England.
    不要混淆finally 和 eventually。finally 指经过很长时间的等待或盼望后终于发生,通常用于句首或动词前:Finally I went to bed (我终于上床睡觉了), The heat of the sun finally became too much for me(我终于受不了太阳的炙烤了)。finally 还可以表示一系列事件中最后发生的事情:The sky turned red, then purple, and finally black (天空变成了红色,然后是紫色,最后成了黑色)。eventually指某事几经延迟或波折后终于发生:Eventually they got to the hospital (他们最终来到了医院), I found Victoria Avenue eventually (我最终找到了维多利亚大街)。eventually还可表示一系列事件之后发生的事,常为这些事件的结果:Eventually, they were forced to return to England (最后他们被迫返回英格兰)。 词典解释

    1. 终于;总算
        You use finally to suggest that something happens after a long period of time, usually later than you wanted or expected it to happen.

        e.g. The word was finally given for us to get on board...
        e.g. The food finally arrived at the end of last week and distribution began...

    2. 最后地;末尾地
        You use finally to indicate that something is last in a series of actions or events.

        e.g. The action slips from comedy to melodrama and finally to tragedy.

    3. (用于引出观点等)最后,最后要说的是
        You use finally in speech or writing to introduce a final point, question, or topic.


        e.g. Finally, who needs the theatre?...
        e.g. And finally, a word about the winner and runner-up.

    Do not confuse finally and eventually. You say that something finally happens after you have been waiting for it or expecting it for a long time. Finally usually comes at the beginning of a sentence or before a verb. Finally I went to bed... The heat of the sun finally became too much for me. You can also use finally to show that something happens last in a series of events. The sky turned red, then purple, and finally black. When something happens after a lot of delays or complications, you can say that it eventuallyhappens. Eventually they got to the hospital... I found Victoria Avenue eventually. You can also use eventually to talk about what happens at the end of a series of events, often as a result of them. Eventually, they were forced to return to England.
    不要混淆finally 和 eventually。finally 指经过很长时间的等待或盼望后终于发生,通常用于句首或动词前:Finally I went to bed (我终于上床睡觉了), The heat of the sun finally became too much for me(我终于受不了太阳的炙烤了)。finally 还可以表示一系列事件中最后发生的事情:The sky turned red, then purple, and finally black (天空变成了红色,然后是紫色,最后成了黑色)。eventually指某事几经延迟或波折后终于发生:Eventually they got to the hospital (他们最终来到了医院), I found Victoria Avenue eventually (我最终找到了维多利亚大街)。eventually还可表示一系列事件之后发生的事,常为这些事件的结果:Eventually, they were forced to return to England (最后他们被迫返回英格兰)。

    finally 情景对话


    A:Here‘s my name card.

    B:And here‘s mine.


    A:It‘s nice to finally meet you.

    B:And I‘m glad to meet you, too.

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