
  • fast

    英:[fɑ:st]   美: [fæst] 

    fast 基本解释

    1. make fast : 把...拴紧(关紧), 把...打上结;

    同义词: firmhastyquickrapidsolidstablestarvesteadysureswift

    fast 相关例句



    1. They developed a fast dye.

    2. They are fast friends.

    3. fast

    3. He did a fast job.

    4. fast

    4. He is a fast reader.



    1. He made the wire fast to the metal ring.

    fast 网络解释

    1. 快速的:答(P):我们的方法是做大量的实验,快速发布并且不断进行改进. 我们尽早的(early),快速的(Fast)更新软件,并且认真收取用户的反馈. 问:优秀(Good)测试人员和卓越(Great)测试人员的区别是什么?

    2. 法斯特:法斯特(fast)氧化锆研磨仪 是我公司08年推向市场的高端义齿加工设备,经过1年的推广在国内市场占有率是最高的,也已经出口到多个国外技工实验室. 产品的加工精度经过多家用户的验证完全达到德国,意大利进口设备的水平,

    3. fast的意思

    3. fast:functional assessment staging; 功能性评估量表

    4. fast的解释

    4. fast:fast access storage technology; 快速访问存储技术

    5. fast:fully automated seamless travel; 全自动顺畅通行系统

    1. 快的;迅速的
        Fast means happening, moving, or doing something at great speed. You also use fast in questions or statements about speed.


        e.g. ...fast cars with flashing lights and sirens...
        e.g. Brindley was known as a very, very fast driver...

    2. 迅速地;立即
        You use fast to say that something happens without any delay.

        e.g. When you've got a crisis like this you need professional help — fast!...
        e.g. We'd appreciate your leaving as fast as possible.

    3. (钟表)偏快的,走得快的
        If a watch or clock is fast, it is showing a time that is later than the real time.

        e.g. That clock's an hour fast.

    4. 紧紧地;牢牢地;死死地
        If you hold something fast, you hold it tightly and firmly. If something is stuck fast, it is stuck very firmly and cannot move.

        e.g. She climbed the staircase cautiously, holding fast to the rail...
        e.g. The tanker is stuck fast on the rocks.

    5. 坚定地;毫不动摇地
        If you hold fast to a principle or idea, or if you stand fast, you do not change your mind about it, even though people are trying to persuade you to.

        e.g. We can only try to hold fast to the age-old values of honesty, decency and concern for others...
        e.g. He told supporters to stand fast over the next few vital days.

    6. (颜色或染料)不褪色的,不掉色的
        If colours or dyes are fast, they do not come out of the fabrics they are used on when they get wet.

        e.g. The fabric was ironed to make the colours fast.

    7. 骄奢淫逸的;刺激而快乐的
        A fast way of life is one which involves a lot of enjoyable and expensive or dangerous activities.

        e.g. Life in Detroit no longer satisfied him; he wanted the fast life of California.

    8. 斋戒;禁食;绝食
        If you fast, you eat no food for a period of time, usually for either religious or medical reasons, or as a protest.

        e.g. I fasted for a day and half and asked God to help me.

    ...the Muslim holy month of fasting and prayer.
    穆斯林斋戒和祈祷的圣月 词典解释

    1. 快的;迅速的
        Fast means happening, moving, or doing something at great speed. You also use fast in questions or statements about speed.


        e.g. ...fast cars with flashing lights and sirens...
        e.g. Brindley was known as a very, very fast driver...

    2. 迅速地;立即
        You use fast to say that something happens without any delay.

        e.g. When you've got a crisis like this you need professional help — fast!...
        e.g. We'd appreciate your leaving as fast as possible.

    3. (钟表)偏快的,走得快的
        If a watch or clock is fast, it is showing a time that is later than the real time.

        e.g. That clock's an hour fast.

    4. 紧紧地;牢牢地;死死地
        If you hold something fast, you hold it tightly and firmly. If something is stuck fast, it is stuck very firmly and cannot move.

        e.g. She climbed the staircase cautiously, holding fast to the rail...
        e.g. The tanker is stuck fast on the rocks.

    5. 坚定地;毫不动摇地
        If you hold fast to a principle or idea, or if you stand fast, you do not change your mind about it, even though people are trying to persuade you to.

        e.g. We can only try to hold fast to the age-old values of honesty, decency and concern for others...
        e.g. He told supporters to stand fast over the next few vital days.

    6. (颜色或染料)不褪色的,不掉色的
        If colours or dyes are fast, they do not come out of the fabrics they are used on when they get wet.

        e.g. The fabric was ironed to make the colours fast.

    7. 骄奢淫逸的;刺激而快乐的
        A fast way of life is one which involves a lot of enjoyable and expensive or dangerous activities.

        e.g. Life in Detroit no longer satisfied him; he wanted the fast life of California.

    8. 斋戒;禁食;绝食
        If you fast, you eat no food for a period of time, usually for either religious or medical reasons, or as a protest.

        e.g. I fasted for a day and half and asked God to help me.

    ...the Muslim holy month of fasting and prayer.

    fast 情景对话


    A:Hey John, nice skates. Are they new?

    B:Yeah, I just got them. I started playing ice hockey in a community league. So, I finally got myself new skates.

    A:What position do you play?

    B:I’m a defender. It’s a lot of fun. You don’t have to be able to skate as fast on defense.

    A:Yeah, you’re a pretty big guy. I play goalie, myself.

    B:Oh, yeah? Which team?


    A:The Rockets.

    B:Really? I think we play you guys next week. Well, I have to go to practice. See you later.

    A:All right, see you later.

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