
  • far

    英:[fɑ:(r)]   美: [fɑr] 

    far 基本解释

    副词a great dealmuch


    far 反义词



    far 相关词组

    1. how far : (离...)多远;

    2. far and away : 无疑地;

    3. far be it from me : 我决不会(认为...);

    4. by far : 显然;

    5. as far as : 远到, 至于, 就...而言;

    6. far and near : 远近, 到处;

    7. far and wide : 到处, 广泛地;

    同义词: distantmuchremote

    far 相关例句


    1. far

    1. He lived on the far side of the hill.

    2. far的近义词

    2. He lives on the far bank of the river.


    1. Your remarks are far afield.

    2. They went far into the forest to pursue the wounded bear.

    far 网络解释

    5. far:frequency-agile radar; 捷变频雷达

    6. far在线翻译

    6. far:failure aualysis report; 故障分析报告

    7. ahead of:We were encouraged by the encouraging news.我们对这个令人鼓舞的消息所鼓励. | 18. ahead of...在...之前,领先,其前面可用well,far,等修饰 | ahead of time 提前

    Far has two comparatives, farther and further, and two superlatives, farthest and furthest. Farther and farthest are used mainly in sense 1, and are dealt with here. Further and furthest are dealt with in separate entries.
    far 有两个比较级 farther 和 further,两个最高级 farthest 和 furthest。farther 和 farthest 主要用于义项 1,下文将予以说明。further 和 furthest 将另立词条予以说明。 词典解释

    Far has two comparatives, farther and further, and two superlatives, farthest and furthest. Farther and farthest are used mainly in sense 1, and are dealt with here. Further and furthest are dealt with in separate entries.
    far 有两个比较级 farther 和 further,两个最高级 farthest 和 furthest。farther 和 farthest 主要用于义项 1,下文将予以说明。further 和 furthest 将另立词条予以说明。

    far 情景对话


    A:How about going swimming?

    B:OK. Where should we go?

    A:Why don't we go down to the pool? It's not too far from here.

    B:Fine. I'll be ready in a minute.

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