
  • extra

    英:[ˈekstrə]   美: ['ekstrə] 

    extra 基本解释

    形容词额外的,补充的,附加的; 特大的,特别的

    名词附加物,额外的事物; 临时演员; 号外; 上等产品,上品

    副词额外地; 格外地,特别地

    extra 相关例句


    1. We do not ask for extra pay.

    2. I don't suppose they wanted any extra help.


    1. extra的反义词

    1. They charge extra for wine.


    1. extra什么意思

    1. We need 1000 extras for the big scene when they cross the Red Sea.

    2. At this hotel a hot bath is an extra.

    extra 网络解释


    1. 号外:最近他又当上了<<号外>>(Extra)的周末主持人并在百老汇登台献艺,是<<歌舞线上>>的明星. 这位网球明星已经取代美少年球手罗迪克成为美国网坛的一哥,虽然已经有了固定女友,但还是被<<人物>>杂志的编辑看中,实际上,

    2. extra在线翻译

    2. 临时演员:[记者刘爽纽约报导]迪士尼(Walt Disney)公司近日为其新片「魔法师的学徒」(The Sorcerer's Apprentice)其中在曼哈坦华埠开拍的场景,徵亚裔临时演员(extra),报名者必须有合法在美国工作的身分.

    1. 额外的;外加的
        You use extra to describe an amount, person, or thing that is added to others of the same kind, or that can be added to others of the same kind.

        e.g. Police warned motorists to allow extra time to get to work...
        e.g. Extra staff have been taken on to cover busy periods...

    2. 费用另计的;额外收费的
        If something is extra, you have to pay more money for it in addition to what you are already paying for something.


        e.g. For foreign orders postage is extra...
        e.g. The price of your meal is extra.

    3. 额外费用
        Extras are additional amounts of money that are added to the price that you have to pay for something.

        e.g. She is disgusted by big hotels adding so many extras to the bill that it nearly doubles...
        e.g. There are no hidden extras.

    4. 额外之物;附加物
        Extras are things which are not necessary in a situation, activity, or object, but which make it more comfortable, useful, or enjoyable.

        e.g. Optional extras include cooking tuition at a top restaurant...
        e.g. They are also spending much less on extras like meals in restaurants.

    5. (电影中的)临时演员,群众演员
        The extras in a film are the people who play unimportant parts, for example as members of a crowd.

    6. 格外;特别
        You can use extra in front of adjectives and adverbs to emphasize the quality that they are describing.

        e.g. I'd have to be extra careful...
        e.g. What makes a magnificent garden extra special?...

    7. to go the extra mile -> see mile


    1. 额外的;外加的
        You use extra to describe an amount, person, or thing that is added to others of the same kind, or that can be added to others of the same kind.

        e.g. Police warned motorists to allow extra time to get to work...
        e.g. Extra staff have been taken on to cover busy periods...

    2. 费用另计的;额外收费的
        If something is extra, you have to pay more money for it in addition to what you are already paying for something.


        e.g. For foreign orders postage is extra...
        e.g. The price of your meal is extra.

    3. 额外费用
        Extras are additional amounts of money that are added to the price that you have to pay for something.

        e.g. She is disgusted by big hotels adding so many extras to the bill that it nearly doubles...
        e.g. There are no hidden extras.

    4. 额外之物;附加物
        Extras are things which are not necessary in a situation, activity, or object, but which make it more comfortable, useful, or enjoyable.

        e.g. Optional extras include cooking tuition at a top restaurant...
        e.g. They are also spending much less on extras like meals in restaurants.

    5. (电影中的)临时演员,群众演员
        The extras in a film are the people who play unimportant parts, for example as members of a crowd.

    6. 格外;特别
        You can use extra in front of adjectives and adverbs to emphasize the quality that they are describing.

        e.g. I'd have to be extra careful...
        e.g. What makes a magnificent garden extra special?...

    7. to go the extra mile -> see mile

    extra 情景对话


    A:What are your rates of laundry service?

    B:There's a rate chart in your folder in the dresser drawer, sir.

    A:I see. Well, would you please send someone to Room 528 to pick up some laundry for me?


    B:Yes, sir. I'll send someone immediately.
          好的,先生。我立即派人去。 ……

    A:I'd like to have these clothes washed.

    B:Could you please fill out the laundry form?

    A:OK. By the way, I'd like my silk shirt to be handwashed. Please use cold water, then it doesn't shrink.

    B:By hand in cold water. I see.

    A:I need them to be washed right away. Can you have them finished by tomorrow morning?

    B:Sorry, it won't be possible. It's already 10 o'clock. I'm afraid it's too late for today's laundry.Tomorrow afternoon is the soonest.

    A:Oh, no! I have a date at 11:00 tomorrow.

    B:We have a special three-hour service. We will deliver it within 3 hours, but it is 35% extra charge.

    A:I guess that will have to do.

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