
  • extension

    英:[ɪkˈstenʃn]   美: [ɪkˈstɛnʃən] 

    extension 基本解释


    extension 相关例句


    1. We built an extension to our house.

    2. We had hoped for the extension of the deadline to the end of the week.

    3. extension的反义词

    3. We built an extension onto the school, so now we have two more classrooms.

    4. The toolshed was built as an extension of the house.

    extension 网络解释

    1. 分机:3. 在相应的 分机 (extension) 中使用这个 context,这个分机的呼出就受到相应的限制了.示例: 只允许分机号 (200) 拨叫其他分机 (extension) 号码

    2. extension的翻译

    2. 扩充:另外,值得一提的是,这套稽核程式库,必须要拥有足够的弹性(Flexibility)以及扩充(Extension)能力,原因是每个产业的营运作业皆有很大的差异,每个产业适用的标准皆不同;就算是同产业的公司,其所关注的作业流程及其稽核重点也会有所差异.

    3. extension

    3. 延期:如果你的签证页还有许多没用完,只要办延期(extension)即可,就是护照上加盖延期章,不用换护照,那样更快.

    4. extension的解释

    4. 延长:一个周期经过DNA变性(denature),引子接合(anneal) 和DNA延长(extension)三个步骤,在30个周期循环后,DNA的量可增加到10 6倍,此特定区段内足量的DNA可以在很短时间内,以微胶电泳分析出特异的DNA片断,做为诊断的依据.

    5. extension:ext; 增加一个约束

    6. extension:extsn; 扩展,延伸

    1. (房屋的)扩建部分
        An extension is a new room or building which is added to an existing building or group of buildings.


    2. (公路、铁路等的)延长线
        An extension is a new section of a road or rail line that is added to an existing road or line.

        e.g. ...the Jubilee Line extension.

    3. 展期;延长期
        An extension is an extra period of time for which something lasts or is valid, usually as a result of official permission.

        e.g. He first entered Britain on a six-month visa, and was given a further extension of six months...
        e.g. Ian Lentern has been granted a three-year extension.

    4. 扩大;扩展;延伸
        Something that is an extension of something else is a development of it that includes or affects more people, things, or activities.

        e.g. Many Filipinos see the bases as an extension of American colonial rule...
        e.g. That's the logical extension of my approach.

    5. 电话分机(亦用书面缩略ext.)
        An extension is a telephone line that is connected to the switchboard of a company or institution, and that has its own number. The written abbreviation ext. is also used.

        e.g. She can get me on extension 308...
        e.g. For further information, please contact 414 3925, extension 2253.
               详情请致电414 3925,转分机2253。

    6. (设备的)延伸部分
        An extension is a part which is connected to a piece of equipment in order to make it reach something further away.

        e.g. ...a 30-foot extension cord... 30
        e.g. Some of the best extensions are made from sections of rod tube or drainpipe.


    1. (房屋的)扩建部分
        An extension is a new room or building which is added to an existing building or group of buildings.


    2. (公路、铁路等的)延长线
        An extension is a new section of a road or rail line that is added to an existing road or line.

        e.g. ...the Jubilee Line extension.

    3. 展期;延长期
        An extension is an extra period of time for which something lasts or is valid, usually as a result of official permission.

        e.g. He first entered Britain on a six-month visa, and was given a further extension of six months...
        e.g. Ian Lentern has been granted a three-year extension.

    4. 扩大;扩展;延伸
        Something that is an extension of something else is a development of it that includes or affects more people, things, or activities.

        e.g. Many Filipinos see the bases as an extension of American colonial rule...
        e.g. That's the logical extension of my approach.

    5. 电话分机(亦用书面缩略ext.)
        An extension is a telephone line that is connected to the switchboard of a company or institution, and that has its own number. The written abbreviation ext. is also used.

        e.g. She can get me on extension 308...
        e.g. For further information, please contact 414 3925, extension 2253.
               详情请致电414 3925,转分机2253。

    6. (设备的)延伸部分
        An extension is a part which is connected to a piece of equipment in order to make it reach something further away.

        e.g. ...a 30-foot extension cord... 30
        e.g. Some of the best extensions are made from sections of rod tube or drainpipe.

    extension 情景对话


    A:This is the Royal Hotel operator, can I help you?

    B:Hello. I would like to make a collect call, please.

    A:What is your name, and where are you now, please?

    B:This is Tom, Li in China.
          汤姆;我叫汤姆。 李,在中国。

    A:What's the extension number?

    B:The number is 245.

    A:May I speak to Mr. Janson, please?



    A:This is hotel operator. I have a collect call from Mr. Tom, Li in China. Will you accept the charge?

    C:Yes, of course. I'm waiting for his call.

    A:Hello, Mr. Li, are you here?


    B:Yes, I am.

    A:I will put the call through for you now.

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