
  • extend

    英:[ɪkˈstend]   美: [ɪkˈstɛnd] 

    extend 基本解释

    extend 同义词

    extend 反义词


    同义词: contributedonateenlargeexpandfurnishgivegrantincreasemagnifyofferpresentprovidestretchsupply

    extend 相关例句


    1. The bank has promised to extend your company credit.

    2. The headmaster extended our holiday by four days.

    3. We are impressed by his capacity for handling an immense amount of work without appearing to extend himself.


    1. Fruit trees extended out over the fences.

    2. The hot weather extended into October.

    extend 网络解释

    1. 延伸对象到另一对象:绘制填充的圆和环(DONUT)DR ---- 修改图像和其他对象的显示顺序(DRAWORDER)EL ---- 创建椭圆或椭圆弧(ELLIPSE)E ---- 从图形中删除对象(ERASE)X ---- 将组合对象分解为对象组件(EXPLODE)EX ---- 延伸对象到另一对象(EXTEND)

    2. 扩展:4.2.2 扩展(extend) 扩展(extend)关系如下图所示,基础用例(Base)中定义有一至多个已命名的扩展点,扩展 关系是指将扩展用例(Extension)的事件流在一定的条件下按照相应的扩展点插入到基础用例(Base)中.对于包含关系而言,

    3. 延长:对象5.4 平移(MOVE)选到的图形对象5.5 复制(COPY)选到的图形对象5.6 镜像(MIRROR)选到的图形对象5.7 按比例缩放(SCALE)选到的图形对象5.8 旋转(ROTATE)选到的图形对象5.12 修剪(TRIM)图形对象5.13 延长(EXTEND)图形对象5.14

    4. extend:ext; 放下

    1. 延伸;伸展
        If you say that something, usually something large, extends for a particular distance or extends from one place to another, you are indicating its size or position.


        e.g. The caves extend for some 18 kilometres...
        e.g. The main stem will extend to around 12ft, if left to develop naturally...

    2. 伸出;凸出
        If an object extends from a surface or place, it sticks out from it.

        e.g. A shelf of land extended from the escarpment.

    3. 持续;延续
        If an event or activity extends over a period of time, it continues for that time.

        e.g. ...a playing career in first-class cricket that extended from 1894 to 1920...
        e.g. The courses are based on a weekly two-hour class, extending over a period of 25 weeks.

    4. 扩及;波及;包括
        If something extends to a group of people, things, or activities, it includes or affects them.

        e.g. The service also extends to wrapping and delivering gifts...
        e.g. The talks will extend to the church, human rights groups and other social organizations...

    5. 扩大;延长
        If you extend something, you make it longer or bigger.

        e.g. This year they have introduced three new products to extend their range...
        e.g. The building was extended in 1500.

    6. (设备、家具等)展开,伸展
        If a piece of equipment or furniture extends, its length can be increased.

        e.g. ... a table which extends to accommodate extra guests...
        e.g. The table extends to 220cm.

    7. 延长;使延期
        If you extend something, you make it last longer than before or end at a later date.

        e.g. They have extended the deadline by twenty-four hours.
        e.g. ...an extended contract.

    8. 扩大…的影响;扩展
        If you extend something to other people or things, you make it include or affect more people or things.

        e.g. It might be possible to extend the technique to other crop plants.

    9. 伸展,伸出(手臂等)
        If someone extends their hand, they stretch out their arm and hand to shake hands with someone.

        e.g. The man extended his hand: 'I'm Chuck'.


    1. 延伸;伸展
        If you say that something, usually something large, extends for a particular distance or extends from one place to another, you are indicating its size or position.


        e.g. The caves extend for some 18 kilometres...
        e.g. The main stem will extend to around 12ft, if left to develop naturally...

    2. 伸出;凸出
        If an object extends from a surface or place, it sticks out from it.

        e.g. A shelf of land extended from the escarpment.

    3. 持续;延续
        If an event or activity extends over a period of time, it continues for that time.

        e.g. ...a playing career in first-class cricket that extended from 1894 to 1920...
        e.g. The courses are based on a weekly two-hour class, extending over a period of 25 weeks.

    4. 扩及;波及;包括
        If something extends to a group of people, things, or activities, it includes or affects them.

        e.g. The service also extends to wrapping and delivering gifts...
        e.g. The talks will extend to the church, human rights groups and other social organizations...

    5. 扩大;延长
        If you extend something, you make it longer or bigger.

        e.g. This year they have introduced three new products to extend their range...
        e.g. The building was extended in 1500.

    6. (设备、家具等)展开,伸展
        If a piece of equipment or furniture extends, its length can be increased.

        e.g. ... a table which extends to accommodate extra guests...
        e.g. The table extends to 220cm.

    7. 延长;使延期
        If you extend something, you make it last longer than before or end at a later date.

        e.g. They have extended the deadline by twenty-four hours.
        e.g. ...an extended contract.

    8. 扩大…的影响;扩展
        If you extend something to other people or things, you make it include or affect more people or things.

        e.g. It might be possible to extend the technique to other crop plants.

    9. 伸展,伸出(手臂等)
        If someone extends their hand, they stretch out their arm and hand to shake hands with someone.

        e.g. The man extended his hand: 'I'm Chuck'.

    extend 情景对话


    B:What is the deadline for submitting the quotation ?

    A:We need it in our office by next Monday .

    B:I think we‘ll able to make that .

    A:Good .we can‘t extend the deadline .

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