
  • entrance

    英:[ˈentrəns]   美: [ˈentrəns] 

    entrance 基本解释



    entrance 反义词


    同义词: charmdelightentryfascinateintriguethrill

    entrance 相关例句


    4. He stood in the entrance of the hospital.

    entrance 网络解释

    1. 进入:家长们陆续开始签到,我也渐渐的进入(entrance)紧张状态,等待家长们坐下我似乎觉得自己的大脑已经空白一片,抬头看看教室已经坐无缺席,我故作正经的翻开文件夹看了下昨天晚上写的草稿.


    2. 进位:每次循环过程包括三个步骤:进位(entrance)或注册(registration)、成肽(peptide bond formation)、转位(translocation). 原核生物与真核生物延长过程大致相同,只是延长因子不同,现已原核生物为例说明其具体过程.

    名词用法(NOUN USES)

    1. 入口;门
        The entrance to a place is the way into it, for example a door or gate.


        e.g. Beside the entrance to the church, turn right...
        e.g. He was driven out of a side entrance with his hand covering his face...

    2. 到达;(尤指有意引人注目的)驾到,莅临
        You can refer to someone's arrival in a place as their entrance, especially when you think that they are trying to be noticed and admired.

        e.g. If she had noticed her father's entrance, she gave no indication.

    3. (表演者的)登台,出场
        When a performer makes his or her entrance on to the stage, he or she comes on to the stage.

        e.g. He made his entrance into the parade ring.

    4. 进入许可;进入权
        If you gain entrance to a particular place, you manage to get in there.

        e.g. Hewitt had gained entrance to the Hall by pretending to be a heating engineer.

    5. 入会资格;入学资格;入行资格
        If you gain entrance to a particular profession, society, or institution, you are accepted as a member of it.

        e.g. Entrance to universities and senior secondary schools was restricted.
        e.g. ...entrance exams for the French civil service.

    6. 参与;涉入;跻身
        If you make an entrance into a particular activity or system, you succeed in becoming involved in it.

        e.g. The acquisition helped BCCI make its initial entrance into the US market.
        e.g. ...his entrance into politics in 1993.


    名词用法(NOUN USES)

    1. 入口;门
        The entrance to a place is the way into it, for example a door or gate.


        e.g. Beside the entrance to the church, turn right...
        e.g. He was driven out of a side entrance with his hand covering his face...

    2. 到达;(尤指有意引人注目的)驾到,莅临
        You can refer to someone's arrival in a place as their entrance, especially when you think that they are trying to be noticed and admired.

        e.g. If she had noticed her father's entrance, she gave no indication.

    3. (表演者的)登台,出场
        When a performer makes his or her entrance on to the stage, he or she comes on to the stage.

        e.g. He made his entrance into the parade ring.

    4. 进入许可;进入权
        If you gain entrance to a particular place, you manage to get in there.

        e.g. Hewitt had gained entrance to the Hall by pretending to be a heating engineer.

    5. 入会资格;入学资格;入行资格
        If you gain entrance to a particular profession, society, or institution, you are accepted as a member of it.

        e.g. Entrance to universities and senior secondary schools was restricted.
        e.g. ...entrance exams for the French civil service.

    6. 参与;涉入;跻身
        If you make an entrance into a particular activity or system, you succeed in becoming involved in it.

        e.g. The acquisition helped BCCI make its initial entrance into the US market.
        e.g. ...his entrance into politics in 1993.

    entrance 情景对话


    A:How safe is this area?

    B:Oh, well, you should lock the doors and turn the security system on when you leave, but it really isn’t too bad.

    A:Really? Do you live nearby?


    B:Yes. As a matter of fact, I live about two blocks north. I’ve never had any problems, although there have been a few break-ins recently.


    B:The security system should take care of that, though. The entrance to the subway is not far from here..

    A:That’s true. Is the neighborhood trying to do anything about the security?

    B:Well, we’ve set up a neighborhood watch program. We caught a guy a couple of months ago.


    A:All right, well, let me think about it.

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