
  • dumb

    英:[dʌm]   美: [dʌm] 

    dumb 基本解释

    形容词哑的,无说话能力的; 不说话的,无声的; 沉默的,无言的; 口齿不清的,(在政府中)无代言人的,政治上无发言权的

    dumb 相关例句


    1. He did a dumb thing.

    2. She was struck dumb with fear.

    3. They remained dumb at the meeting.

    dumb 网络解释

    1. (哑):有些歌曲,像<<强暴我>>、<<装聋作哑>>(Dumb)、<<薄荷茶>>(PennyroyalTea)因为小样曝光,早已被做成盗版四处流传. 因此,柯特92年时就想制作新专辑,只是由于当时乐队三个人正好天各一方又心存别扭,而且柯妮还有孕在身,所以才拖到了现在.

    2. 笨的:他们可能是聪明的(Smart),也可能是鲁笨的(Dumb). 聪明的决策者接受到关于资产价格的信息,而鲁笨的决策者只能接受到噪音. 委托人,包括决策者本身并不知道A,B的类型,但在A,B做出决策后,委托人可以根据结果和决策修改.

    1. 哑的;不能说话的
        Someone who is dumb is completely unable to speak.

        e.g. ...a young deaf and dumb man.

    2. (在某种场合下因愤怒或惊讶而)说不出话的,哑口无言的
        If someone is dumb on a particular occasion, they cannot speak because they are angry, shocked, or surprised.

        e.g. We were all struck dumb for a minute.

    I shook my head dumbly, not believing him.
    我一言不发地摇了摇头,不相信他的话。 词典解释

    1. 哑的;不能说话的
        Someone who is dumb is completely unable to speak.

        e.g. ...a young deaf and dumb man.

    2. (在某种场合下因愤怒或惊讶而)说不出话的,哑口无言的
        If someone is dumb on a particular occasion, they cannot speak because they are angry, shocked, or surprised.

        e.g. We were all struck dumb for a minute.

    I shook my head dumbly, not believing him.

    dumb 情景对话


    A:You really do look great tonight, Amber.


    B:Why, thank you. You don't look so bad yourself (laughs)


    A:(laughing also) I appreciate that. Speaking of which, I was wondering if I am older than you, because you look so young. How old are you, anyway?

    B:(hesitatingly) Oh, I'm not too old, but I'm over eighteen.

    A:I'm sorry, maybe that was a dumb question.


    B:No, it's not that. Just…well, I was just a little surprised with your question. It's a bit unusual here for people to ask about age so soon.

    A:Forgive me. I didn't mean to be impolite or rude.

    B:I know. Anyway, I'm 27.

    A:Really. You don't look a day over 23. How do you stay so young-looking?

    B:(flattered) No special way. Just a happy-go-lucky type of person, I guess.
          Amber :(高兴状)没什么特殊的方法。只是生性快乐罢了。

    A:Well, it works. You really don't look your age. I'm 28, by the way.

    B:(jokingly) Is that right? I thought you might be a bit older…just joking.


    A:I guess I deserved that. (changing the subject) So, what about….

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