
  • dry

    英:[draɪ]   美: [draɪ] 

    dry 基本解释



    dry 相关词组

    1. dry up : 干涸, 住口;

    2. dry out : (使)戒酒(毒);

    同义词: thirsty

    dry 相关例句


    1. This coat will keep you dry in the rain.

    2. The ship was dry and no liquor was allowed.

    3. It is a dry novel.

    4. He had a good sense of humor and his dry accounts of the encounter delighted his listeners.


    1. They sat in front of the fire to dry their wet clothes.

    dry 网络解释

    1. 干性:此次EL 促销延长至3 月27 日),凡买32加币以上的产品都会免费赠送以下大礼包(见下图):新出的产品,泡沫超级丰富,大米大小就可以推开全脸了. 洗完后,脸上润润,不涂东西也不会干燥. 这款适合于干性(Dry)皮肤.

    2. 干燥:使用环境考量:产品使用在不同环境下,如乾燥 (Dry)、潮湿 (Damp)、户外 (Wet) 等场所,安规标准对於带电体的间距、塑胶外壳、测试、警示标语 (Marking) 等,会有不同的要求.

    3. 干的:药物(drugs)在荷兰文写成droog,意即乾的(dry),指用於医疗的物质. 昔日乾燥植物是医药最大来源,因此使用药物(drugs)这个名称. 中国康熙字典曰:「药,治病草. 」另外,相传神农氏亲尝百草,并分为上、中、下三品,此乃传统中药的来源.

    4. 干燥的:2 A 常识运用逻辑推理 尤其是在象沙漠一样的干燥的(dry)地区,更要控制而珍惜水,这与沙漠的遥远(distant),荒芜(deserted)和野性(wild)无关. 3 D 逻辑推理常识运用 即使在没有大面积的耕(farming)地农田需要灌溉的地方,

    1. 干的;干燥的
        If something is dry, there is no water or moisture on it or in it.

        e.g. Clean the metal with a soft dry cloth...
        e.g. Pat it dry with a soft towel...

    ...the parched dryness of the air.
    干热的空气 词典解释

    1. 干的;干燥的
        If something is dry, there is no water or moisture on it or in it.

        e.g. Clean the metal with a soft dry cloth...
        e.g. Pat it dry with a soft towel...

    ...the parched dryness of the air.
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