
  • dramatic

    英:[drəˈmætɪk]   美: [drəˈmætɪk] 

    dramatic 基本解释

    形容词引人注目的; 戏剧的,戏剧性的; 激动人心的


    dramatic 相关例句


    1. She made a dramatic speech at the meeting.

    dramatic 网络解释

    1. dramatic的翻译

    1. 戏剧性的:在梦幻的(Romantic)月色中 悄悄地迭上双唇屏住气息...戏剧性的(Dramatic)逃亡 为此醉心的两个人生(生命) 献给了爱...拒绝嗜虐的(Sadistic)贵族主义 攞脱牢笼 啊啊那是一出悲剧...在命运的棋盘(Broad)上 渴求着控制权 生与死的互

    2. 显著的:其中的任何一个环节无论完成得如何好,如何有效率,就其本身来说对企业并无直接意义. 1. 根本上(Fundamental)重新思考2. 彻底的(Radical)变革3.显着的(Dramatic)进步4. 从重新设计业务流程(Procees)着手


    3. 戏剧的;激动人心的:dormitory 宿舍 | dramatic 戏剧的;激动人心的 | drawback n. 退款;欠缺

    1. 突如其来的;急剧的;引人注目的
        A dramatic change or event happens suddenly and is very noticeable and surprising.

        e.g. A fifth year of drought is expected to have dramatic effects on the California economy...
        e.g. This policy has led to a dramatic increase in our prison populations.

    At speeds above 50mph, serious injuries dramatically increase.
    时速超过50英里,重伤率会大大增加。 词典解释

    1. 突如其来的;急剧的;引人注目的
        A dramatic change or event happens suddenly and is very noticeable and surprising.

        e.g. A fifth year of drought is expected to have dramatic effects on the California economy...
        e.g. This policy has led to a dramatic increase in our prison populations.

    At speeds above 50mph, serious injuries dramatically increase.
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