
  • drag

    英:[dræg]   美: [dræɡ] 

    drag 基本解释

    及物动词拖拽; 吃力地往前拉; 拖地而行

    不及物动词沿地面拖动; 落后; 缓慢前进; 打捞

    名词阻力; 拖,拉; 累赘

    drag 相关词组


    1. drag on : 拖延;

    2. drag in : 把...拉进去;

    3. drag it : 离职, 离开, 停止谈话, 断绝关系;

    4. drag up : 拉上, 拔出;

    drag 相关例句


    1. He grabbed her and dragged her away.

    2. They dragged the river for the missing child.


    1. He dragged on the cigarettes as he wrote.


    1. drag的翻译

    1. This film is a drag.

    2. The party was a drag, so we left early.

    drag 网络解释

    1. drag的解释

    1. 阻力:作用在飞机的力主要分成升力(Lift)、阻力(Drag)、推力(Thrust)与重力(Gravity). 由於这四个力的合作无间,才能让飞机在阵风或侧风下维持稳定飞行. 空气动力学主要的研究课题比较著重於飞机的升阻力分析.


    2. 拖拉:2.1 使用可以编辑的多边形(Editable Poly)建模2.2 层级子分割表面(HSDS)编辑修改器3.1 软管(Hose)对象9.6.1 涡流(Vortex)空间变形9.6.2 拖拉(Drag)空间变形

    3. 拖曳:(注意是Release时才开始,如果在Press时动画就开始播放,手指就会把动画部分挡住. )另外,比较高级的触摸屏终端支持指尖长按(Long Press)、拖曳(Drag)等行为,设计时可以作为交互动作的补充.

    4. 拖动:可以拖动(drag)任何一个层. 当移动到另一个层上放开(drop)时,alert这两个层的id. 要求:兼容ie和firefox不要服务器端语言,只能使用javascript总代码量(包括类库、框架):源代码<220k,打包后<75k,

    1. (常指费力地)拖,拉,拽,扯
        If you drag something, you pull it along the ground, often with difficulty.


        e.g. He got up and dragged his chair towards the table.

    2. (电脑操作中)用鼠标拖动,用鼠标改变(尺寸或形状)
        To drag a computer image means to use the mouse to move the position of the image on the screen, or to change its size or shape.

        e.g. Use your mouse to drag the pictures to their new size.

    3. 生拉;硬拽
        If someone drags you somewhere, they pull you there, or force you to go there by physically threatening you.

        e.g. The vigilantes dragged the men out of the vehicles...
        e.g. There were no signs she'd been dragged across the grass.

    4. 强迫;迫使;勉强
        If someone drags you somewhere you do not want to go, they make you go there.


        e.g. When you can drag him away from his work, he can also be a devoted father...
        e.g. I've been dragged back from Australia for no sufficient reason.

    5. 勉强去(某地)
        If you say that you drag yourself somewhere, you are emphasizing that you have to make a very great effort to go there.


        e.g. I find it really hard to drag myself out and exercise regularly.
        e.g. ...if you manage to drag yourself away from the luxury of the hotel.

    6. 拖着(脚或腿)走
        If you drag your foot or your leg behind you, you walk with great difficulty because your foot or leg is injured in some way.


        e.g. He was barely able to drag his poisoned leg behind him...
        e.g. He drags his leg, and he can hardly lift his arm.

    7. 用网(或钩子)搜索(河或湖底)
        If the police drag a river or lake, they pull nets or hooks across the bottom of it in order to look for something.

        e.g. Yesterday police frogmen dragged a small pond on the Common.

    8. (时间)过得很慢;(活动)单调乏味地进行,拖沓地进行
        If a period of time or an event drags, it is very boring and seems to last a long time.

        e.g. The minutes dragged past...
        e.g. The pacing was uneven, and the early second act dragged.

    9. 拖累;累赘;绊脚石
        If something is a drag on the development or progress of something, it slows it down or makes it more difficult.

        e.g. The satellite acts as a drag on the shuttle...
        e.g. Spending cuts will put a drag on growth.

    10. 令人不快的事;无聊的事
        If you say that something is a drag, you mean that it is unpleasant or very dull.


        e.g. As far as shopping for clothes goes, it's a drag...
        e.g. A dry sandwich is a drag to eat.

    11. (抽烟时的)一吸,一抽
          If you take a drag on a cigarette or pipe that you are smoking, you take in air through it.

          e.g. He took a drag on his cigarette, and exhaled the smoke.

    12. (物体在空气或液体中移动时所受到的)阻力,抗力
          Drag is the resistance to the movement that is experienced by something that is moving through air or through a fluid.

          e.g. The drag of those extra air molecules brought the satellite crashing to Earth.

    13. (以娱乐为目的的)男扮女装
          Drag is the wearing of women's clothes by a male entertainer.

          e.g. Entertainment is laid on too, in the form of drag on Wednesdays and strippers on Sundays...
          e.g. The neighborhood is given over to performers, stilt walkers and drag queens.

    14. 故意拖延
          If you drag your feet or drag your heels, you delay doing something or do it very slowly because you do not want to do it.

          e.g. The government, he claimed, was dragging its feet.

    相关词组:drag downdrag indrag intodrag ondrag outdrag up


    1. (常指费力地)拖,拉,拽,扯
        If you drag something, you pull it along the ground, often with difficulty.


        e.g. He got up and dragged his chair towards the table.

    2. (电脑操作中)用鼠标拖动,用鼠标改变(尺寸或形状)
        To drag a computer image means to use the mouse to move the position of the image on the screen, or to change its size or shape.

        e.g. Use your mouse to drag the pictures to their new size.

    3. 生拉;硬拽
        If someone drags you somewhere, they pull you there, or force you to go there by physically threatening you.

        e.g. The vigilantes dragged the men out of the vehicles...
        e.g. There were no signs she'd been dragged across the grass.

    4. 强迫;迫使;勉强
        If someone drags you somewhere you do not want to go, they make you go there.


        e.g. When you can drag him away from his work, he can also be a devoted father...
        e.g. I've been dragged back from Australia for no sufficient reason.

    5. 勉强去(某地)
        If you say that you drag yourself somewhere, you are emphasizing that you have to make a very great effort to go there.


        e.g. I find it really hard to drag myself out and exercise regularly.
        e.g. ...if you manage to drag yourself away from the luxury of the hotel.

    6. 拖着(脚或腿)走
        If you drag your foot or your leg behind you, you walk with great difficulty because your foot or leg is injured in some way.


        e.g. He was barely able to drag his poisoned leg behind him...
        e.g. He drags his leg, and he can hardly lift his arm.

    7. 用网(或钩子)搜索(河或湖底)
        If the police drag a river or lake, they pull nets or hooks across the bottom of it in order to look for something.

        e.g. Yesterday police frogmen dragged a small pond on the Common.

    8. (时间)过得很慢;(活动)单调乏味地进行,拖沓地进行
        If a period of time or an event drags, it is very boring and seems to last a long time.

        e.g. The minutes dragged past...
        e.g. The pacing was uneven, and the early second act dragged.

    9. 拖累;累赘;绊脚石
        If something is a drag on the development or progress of something, it slows it down or makes it more difficult.

        e.g. The satellite acts as a drag on the shuttle...
        e.g. Spending cuts will put a drag on growth.

    10. 令人不快的事;无聊的事
        If you say that something is a drag, you mean that it is unpleasant or very dull.


        e.g. As far as shopping for clothes goes, it's a drag...
        e.g. A dry sandwich is a drag to eat.

    11. (抽烟时的)一吸,一抽
          If you take a drag on a cigarette or pipe that you are smoking, you take in air through it.

          e.g. He took a drag on his cigarette, and exhaled the smoke.

    12. (物体在空气或液体中移动时所受到的)阻力,抗力
          Drag is the resistance to the movement that is experienced by something that is moving through air or through a fluid.

          e.g. The drag of those extra air molecules brought the satellite crashing to Earth.

    13. (以娱乐为目的的)男扮女装
          Drag is the wearing of women's clothes by a male entertainer.

          e.g. Entertainment is laid on too, in the form of drag on Wednesdays and strippers on Sundays...
          e.g. The neighborhood is given over to performers, stilt walkers and drag queens.

    14. 故意拖延
          If you drag your feet or drag your heels, you delay doing something or do it very slowly because you do not want to do it.

          e.g. The government, he claimed, was dragging its feet.

    相关词组:drag downdrag indrag intodrag ondrag outdrag up

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