
  • dole

    英:[dəʊl]   美: [doʊl] 

    dole 基本解释

    dole 相关词组

    1. be on the dole : 领取失业救济金;


    dole 相关例句


    1. The food was doled out to the poor.

    2. The Red Cross flew to the area of the floods, ready to dole out supplies of food and medicine.

    dole 网络解释

    1. 多勒:这是一颗多微晶钻石(黑金刚石):微晶质结构,结晶方位随机. 这是世界上最大的黑色钻石. 它的产地不太确定,可能来自中非或巴西. 2001年钻石在法国汝拉省(Jura)多勒(Dole)的节日大厅以1 200万法国法郎(1 900万

    2. 施舍品:doldrums 忧郁 | dole 施舍品 | doleful 悲哀的

    3. 悲哀:doldrums情绪低落 | dole 悲哀 | dolorous悲哀的

    4. dole:distributed ole; 分布式对象链接和嵌入

    5. dole:department of labor and employment; 劳工暨就业部

    1. (政府定期发放的)失业救济金
        The dole or dole is money that is given regularly by the government to people who are unemployed.

    in AM, usually use 美国英语通常用 welfare 词典解释

    1. (政府定期发放的)失业救济金
        The dole or dole is money that is given regularly by the government to people who are unemployed.

    in AM, usually use 美国英语通常用 welfare
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