
  • divide

    英:[dɪˈvaɪd]   美: [dɪˈvaɪd] 

    divide 基本解释

    divide 反义词



    同义词: partportionseparatesharesortsplit

    divide 相关例句


    1. Children, divide the cake up between / among you.

    2. We shall not let such a small matter divide us.

    3. The teacher divided our class into four groups.


    1. The engineers' opinions divided.

    2. This river divides at its mouth.

    divide 网络解释

    1. 除:关系操作的数据查询和数据维护功能使用关系代数中的选择(Select)、投影(Proieet)、连接(Join)、除(Divide)、并(Union)、交(Intersection)、差(Difference)和广义笛卡儿积(Extend-ed关系的实体完整性(Entity Integrity)规则为:主关键字值必须是唯一的,

    2. 等分:令介绍8-2 建立填充区域(SOLID)命令介绍8-3 环形填充(DOUNT)命令介绍8-4 矩形(RECTANG)命令介绍8-5 样条曲线(SPLINE)命令介绍8-6 建立多线类型(MLSTYLE)命令介绍8-7 绘制多线(MLINE)命令介绍8-8 等分(DIVIDE)命令介绍8-9 图

    3. 除以:我们所能提供的服务相等于呼求的平方,除以(divide)或整合(由基本一的法则指出)还没有觉察造物合一性的自由意志. RA:我是RA. 如同我们刚才通过这个器皿所说的,我们必须整合你们社会记忆复合体在幻象分解形式呈现中的所有部分.

    1. (使)分开;(使)分散;(使)分裂
        When people or things are divided or divide into smaller groups or parts, they become separated into smaller parts.

        e.g. The physical benefits of exercise can be divided into three factors...
        e.g. It will be easiest if we divide them into groups...

    2. 分配;分享;分担
        If you divide something among people or things, you separate it into several parts or quantities which you distribute to the people or things.


        e.g. Paul divides most of his spare time between the study and his bedroom...
        e.g. Divide the sauce among 4 bowls.
               把酱汁分到 4 个碗里。

    3. 除;除以
        If you divide a larger number by a smaller number or divide a smaller number into a larger number, you calculate how many times the smaller number can fit exactly into the larger number.

        e.g. Measure the floor area of the greenhouse and divide it by six.
               量一下温室的建筑面积再将它除以 6。

    4. 分隔;把…分开;是…的分界线
        If a border or line divides two areas or divides an area into two, it keeps the two areas separate from each other.

        e.g. ...remote border areas dividing Tamil and Muslim settlements.
        e.g. ...the artificial line that divides the city.

    5. (使)产生分歧;(使)意见不一
        If people divide over something or if something divides them, it causes strong disagreement between them.

        e.g. She has done more to divide the Conservatives than anyone else...
        e.g. The democrats are divided over whether to admit him into their group...

    6. 明显差异;(常指引起争论的)分歧
        A divide is a significant distinction between two groups, often one that causes conflict.

        e.g. ...a deliberate attempt to create a Hindu-Muslim divide in India.

    7. (时间、过程的)分界线,分界点
        A divide is a moment in time or a point in a process when there is a complete change from one situation to another.

        e.g. The time had come to cross the great divide between formality and truth.

    8. 分水岭
        A divide is a line of high ground between areas that are drained by different rivers.

    in BRIT, usually use 英国英语通常用 watershed 词典解释

    1. (使)分开;(使)分散;(使)分裂
        When people or things are divided or divide into smaller groups or parts, they become separated into smaller parts.

        e.g. The physical benefits of exercise can be divided into three factors...
        e.g. It will be easiest if we divide them into groups...

    2. 分配;分享;分担
        If you divide something among people or things, you separate it into several parts or quantities which you distribute to the people or things.


        e.g. Paul divides most of his spare time between the study and his bedroom...
        e.g. Divide the sauce among 4 bowls.
               把酱汁分到 4 个碗里。

    3. 除;除以
        If you divide a larger number by a smaller number or divide a smaller number into a larger number, you calculate how many times the smaller number can fit exactly into the larger number.

        e.g. Measure the floor area of the greenhouse and divide it by six.
               量一下温室的建筑面积再将它除以 6。

    4. 分隔;把…分开;是…的分界线
        If a border or line divides two areas or divides an area into two, it keeps the two areas separate from each other.

        e.g. ...remote border areas dividing Tamil and Muslim settlements.
        e.g. ...the artificial line that divides the city.

    5. (使)产生分歧;(使)意见不一
        If people divide over something or if something divides them, it causes strong disagreement between them.

        e.g. She has done more to divide the Conservatives than anyone else...
        e.g. The democrats are divided over whether to admit him into their group...

    6. 明显差异;(常指引起争论的)分歧
        A divide is a significant distinction between two groups, often one that causes conflict.

        e.g. ...a deliberate attempt to create a Hindu-Muslim divide in India.

    7. (时间、过程的)分界线,分界点
        A divide is a moment in time or a point in a process when there is a complete change from one situation to another.

        e.g. The time had come to cross the great divide between formality and truth.

    8. 分水岭
        A divide is a line of high ground between areas that are drained by different rivers.

    in BRIT, usually use 英国英语通常用 watershed
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