
  • disadvantage

    英:[ˌdɪsədˈvɑ:ntɪdʒ]   美: [ˌdɪsədˈvæntɪdʒ] 

    disadvantage 基本解释

    disadvantage 反义词


    同义词: drawbackhandicapliability

    disadvantage 相关例句


    1. His lack of education was a disadvantage when he looked for a job.


    2. His bad health is a great disadvantage to him.

    3. The washing machine has two serious disadvantages.

    4. Not studying will be to your disadvantage.

    5. disadvantage

    5. His inability to speak English puts him at a disadvantage when he attends international conferences.

    disadvantage 网络解释

    2. 劣势:[21]如果把这种优势(advantage)与劣势(disadvantage)理解为主动性与被动性,或者规定性与被规定性的话,那么霍菲尔德的四个权利的子概念与四个非权利的子概念所体现出来的,就是这样的法律地位或性质.

    3. 不足:如果衰老要同自然选择(naturalselection)一致(compatible)』口么必定有一些伴随的优越之处与衰老相关的,这些优越之处掩盖(outweigh)了其不足(disadvantage)之处.

    4. 缺点:disadvantage factor 不利系数 | disadvantage 缺点 | disadvantageousness 不利

    1. 不利条件;劣势;不便之处
        A disadvantage is a factor which makes someone or something less useful, acceptable, or successful than other people or things.

        e.g. His two main rivals suffer the disadvantage of having been long-term political exiles...
        e.g. ...the advantages and disadvantages of allowing priests to marry.

    2. 处于不利的境地
        If you are at a disadvantage, you have a problem or difficulty that many other people do not have, which makes it harder for you to be successful.

        e.g. The children from poor families were at a distinct disadvantage...
        e.g. England's players would be left at a disadvantage against those of the rest of the world.

    3. 对…不利
        If something is to your disadvantage or works to your disadvantage, it creates difficulties for you.

        e.g. A snap election would be to their disadvantage...
        e.g. Depression is the third thing that works to my patients' disadvantage.


    1. 不利条件;劣势;不便之处
        A disadvantage is a factor which makes someone or something less useful, acceptable, or successful than other people or things.

        e.g. His two main rivals suffer the disadvantage of having been long-term political exiles...
        e.g. ...the advantages and disadvantages of allowing priests to marry.

    2. 处于不利的境地
        If you are at a disadvantage, you have a problem or difficulty that many other people do not have, which makes it harder for you to be successful.

        e.g. The children from poor families were at a distinct disadvantage...
        e.g. England's players would be left at a disadvantage against those of the rest of the world.

    3. 对…不利
        If something is to your disadvantage or works to your disadvantage, it creates difficulties for you.

        e.g. A snap election would be to their disadvantage...
        e.g. Depression is the third thing that works to my patients' disadvantage.

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