
  • death

    英:[deθ]   美: [dɛθ] 

    death 基本解释

    death 同义词


    death 反义词


    death 相关词组

    1. to the death : 到底;

    2. as still as death : 死一般的寂静;

    同义词: destructionend

    death 相关例句



    1. It was a matter of life and death to them.

    2. The death of her mother was sudden.

    3. The accident was the death of him.

    death 网络解释

    1. death在线翻译

    1. 即死:Ultima取得法:可以在收Eden的中途存盘点的这一层打Tri-Face,从它身可以偷得Curse Spike6个或8个,必须用偷,不然得到这种物品的机率不高,打它时可以抽取它自身的魔法Stop对付它,其中一个队员在状态攻击上加即死(Death)保证一击必杀.

    1. 死;死亡
        Death is the permanent end of the life of a person or animal.

        e.g. 1.5 million people are in immediate danger of death from starvation.
               150 万人正面临着被饿死的急迫危险。
        e.g. ...the thirtieth anniversary of her death...
               她逝世 30 周年的纪念日

    2. (某种)死法,死亡方式
        A particular kind of death is a particular way of dying.

        e.g. They made sure that he died a horrible death...
        e.g. He would rather have a decent death which served some purpose than a meaningless death.

    3. 终结;结束;灭亡;破灭
        The death of something is the permanent end of it.

        e.g. It meant the death of everything he had ever been or ever hoped to be.
        e.g. ...the death of pop music.

    4. 病危;行将就木
        If you say that someone is at death's door, you mean they are very ill indeed and likely to die.

        e.g. He told his boss a tale about his mother being at death's door...
        e.g. My dad was the same. He could be at death's door but wouldn't say a word.

    5. 斗争到底;誓死捍卫
        If you say that you will fight to the death for something, you are emphasizing that you will do anything to achieve or protect it, even if you suffer as a consequence.


        e.g. He said they did not want war—but if attacked they would fight to the death...
        e.g. She'd have fought to the death for that child.

    6. 生死决斗;殊死决战
        If you refer to a fight or contest as a fight to the death, you are emphasizing that it will not stop until the death or total victory of one of the opponents.

        e.g. ...an eleven-hour fight to the death between a baboon and leopard...
               一只狒狒和一头美洲豹之间长达 11小时的殊死搏斗
        e.g. He now faces a fight to the death to reach the quarter-finals.

    7. 生死攸关的;至关重要的
        If you say that something is a matter of life and death, you are emphasizing that it is extremely important, often because someone may die or suffer great harm if people do not act immediately.


        e.g. Well, never mind, John, it's not a matter of life and death...
        e.g. We're dealing with a life-and-death situation here...

    8. 被处死;被处决
        If someone is put to death, they are executed.

        e.g. Those put to death by firing squad included three generals.
               行刑队处决的那些人里有 3 名将军。

    9. (用于动词后)以致死亡
        You use to death after a verb to indicate that a particular action or process results in someone's death.

        e.g. He was stabbed to death.
        e.g. ...relief missions to try to keep the country's population from starving to death...

    10. (用于形容词或动词后,表示强调)吓得要死/无聊得要命
        You use to death after an adjective or a verb to emphasize the action, state, or feeling mentioned. For example, if you are frightened to death or bored to death, you are extremely frightened or bored.

        e.g. He scares teams to death with his pace and power...
        e.g. Whereas 10 years ago I would have worried myself to death about it, now I accept it is part of the game...
               10 年前我会为此担心得要命,但现在我接受了它是游戏的一部分。

    11. 使…累死累活地工作(或劳动)
          If you say that someone works another person to death, you are emphasizing that they make them work very hard indeed, especially in a way that seems cruel or unfair.

          e.g. They worked themselves to death but never lost their humour.


    1. 死;死亡
        Death is the permanent end of the life of a person or animal.

        e.g. 1.5 million people are in immediate danger of death from starvation.
               150 万人正面临着被饿死的急迫危险。
        e.g. ...the thirtieth anniversary of her death...
               她逝世 30 周年的纪念日

    2. (某种)死法,死亡方式
        A particular kind of death is a particular way of dying.

        e.g. They made sure that he died a horrible death...
        e.g. He would rather have a decent death which served some purpose than a meaningless death.

    3. 终结;结束;灭亡;破灭
        The death of something is the permanent end of it.

        e.g. It meant the death of everything he had ever been or ever hoped to be.
        e.g. ...the death of pop music.

    4. 病危;行将就木
        If you say that someone is at death's door, you mean they are very ill indeed and likely to die.

        e.g. He told his boss a tale about his mother being at death's door...
        e.g. My dad was the same. He could be at death's door but wouldn't say a word.

    5. 斗争到底;誓死捍卫
        If you say that you will fight to the death for something, you are emphasizing that you will do anything to achieve or protect it, even if you suffer as a consequence.


        e.g. He said they did not want war—but if attacked they would fight to the death...
        e.g. She'd have fought to the death for that child.

    6. 生死决斗;殊死决战
        If you refer to a fight or contest as a fight to the death, you are emphasizing that it will not stop until the death or total victory of one of the opponents.

        e.g. ...an eleven-hour fight to the death between a baboon and leopard...
               一只狒狒和一头美洲豹之间长达 11小时的殊死搏斗
        e.g. He now faces a fight to the death to reach the quarter-finals.

    7. 生死攸关的;至关重要的
        If you say that something is a matter of life and death, you are emphasizing that it is extremely important, often because someone may die or suffer great harm if people do not act immediately.


        e.g. Well, never mind, John, it's not a matter of life and death...
        e.g. We're dealing with a life-and-death situation here...

    8. 被处死;被处决
        If someone is put to death, they are executed.

        e.g. Those put to death by firing squad included three generals.
               行刑队处决的那些人里有 3 名将军。

    9. (用于动词后)以致死亡
        You use to death after a verb to indicate that a particular action or process results in someone's death.

        e.g. He was stabbed to death.
        e.g. ...relief missions to try to keep the country's population from starving to death...

    10. (用于形容词或动词后,表示强调)吓得要死/无聊得要命
        You use to death after an adjective or a verb to emphasize the action, state, or feeling mentioned. For example, if you are frightened to death or bored to death, you are extremely frightened or bored.

        e.g. He scares teams to death with his pace and power...
        e.g. Whereas 10 years ago I would have worried myself to death about it, now I accept it is part of the game...
               10 年前我会为此担心得要命,但现在我接受了它是游戏的一部分。

    11. 使…累死累活地工作(或劳动)
          If you say that someone works another person to death, you are emphasizing that they make them work very hard indeed, especially in a way that seems cruel or unfair.

          e.g. They worked themselves to death but never lost their humour.

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