
  • dam

    英:[dæm]   美: [dæm] 

    dam 基本解释

    名词水库; 水坝,堰; (牙科用的)橡皮障; 〈比喻〉障碍

    及物动词用水坝阻止; 阻塞,抑制

    dam 相关例句


    1. The river has been dammed up.

    2. The stream was dammed up.

    3. The lady dammed up her anger.


    1. They have decided to build a dam across the river.


    2. A new dam is now being built at the valley.

    dam 网络解释

    1. 水坝:阿姆斯特丹(Amsterdam),始于1270年,当时居民在阿姆斯特河(Amstel)上建起第一个水坝(Dam),防范洪水,因而得名. 在荷兰的黄金时代开凿或修整了大小165条运河,3条主要的运河是皇帝运河,王子运河和绅士运河,呈半圆型环绕市中心.

    2. dam的翻译

    2. 坝:荷兰首都阿姆斯特丹(Amsterdam)的名称是由一条河(Amstel)与大坝(dam)两个词组合而来,早在中世纪,Amstel北部出海口处的Damrak水坝就被用作了港口. 今天的阿姆斯特丹港已经成为一个高效率的国际物流中心及荷兰和欧洲其他国家的海上门户.

    3. 堤:且当SMT之脚距愈来愈密时,其各间距处所必须的绿漆阻堤(Dam) 也变得异常困难. Fig18即为UV雷射所烧蚀成像的绿漆阻堤画面,由于并未经过沥式化学品的反应,不但狭窄绿漆对板面的附着力仍然十分良好,且精准度更是令了激赏.

    4. 伤害:这是一篇基于6.51后版本的魅惑魔女(Enchantress)攻略也因为如此,阿由提高dps首选是增加攻击频率(ias)的装备而不是增加伤害(dam)的装备.

    5. dam:digital assets management; 数字资产管理

    6. dam:data association message; 数据相关信息

    7. dam:damascus; 供应大马士革国际空运

    8. dam:data associative manager; 相关数据管理器

    1. 坝;堤
        A dam is a wall that is built across a river in order to stop the water flowing and to make a lake.

        e.g. ...plans to build a dam on the Danube River.
        e.g. ...the Aswan Dam.

    2. 在(河)上筑坝
        To dam a river means to build a dam across it.


        e.g. ...plans to dam the nearby Delaware River...
        e.g. This reservoir was formed by damming the River Blith.

    3. 雌亲;母畜
        In the breeding of farm animals, an animal's dam is its mother.


    1. 坝;堤
        A dam is a wall that is built across a river in order to stop the water flowing and to make a lake.

        e.g. ...plans to build a dam on the Danube River.
        e.g. ...the Aswan Dam.

    2. 在(河)上筑坝
        To dam a river means to build a dam across it.


        e.g. ...plans to dam the nearby Delaware River...
        e.g. This reservoir was formed by damming the River Blith.

    3. 雌亲;母畜
        In the breeding of farm animals, an animal's dam is its mother.

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