
  • courtesy

    英:[ˈkɜ:təsi]   美: [ˈkɜ:rtəsi] 

    courtesy 基本解释

    名词承蒙; 谦恭有礼,礼貌,请安; 有礼貌的举止[言词]

    形容词殷勤的; 出于礼节的

    courtesy 相关词组


    1. by courtesy of : 蒙...好意;

    2. by courtesy : 礼貌起见;

    courtesy 相关例句


    1. They showed us great courtesy.

    2. He wrote back to her out of courtesy.

    courtesy 网络解释

    1. 禮節:她马上进去请示本部门相关人员,回来又打电话与商学院和国际交流处核实,折腾了足足半个小时,之后告诉我,你叫25刀的诊察费吧,我们从合作和礼节(courtesy)角度出发才给你看病的......我坚强地拖着伤手坚持问了为什么,

    1. 礼貌;谦恭;彬彬有礼
        Courtesy is politeness, respect, and consideration for others.


        e.g. ...a gentleman who behaves with the utmost courtesy towards ladies...
        e.g. He did not even have the courtesy to reply to my fax.

    2. 礼貌
        If you refer to the courtesy of doing something, you are referring to a polite action.

        e.g. By extending the courtesy of a phone call to my clients, I was building a personal relationship with them...
        e.g. At least if they're arguing, they're doing you the courtesy of being interested.

    3. (正式场合的)客气话,礼貌话
        Courtesies are polite, conventional things that people say in formal situations.

        e.g. Hugh and John were exchanging faintly barbed courtesies.

    4. (服务)免费的
        Courtesy is used to describe services that are provided free of charge by an organization to its customers, or to the general public.

        e.g. A courtesy shuttle bus operates between the hotel and the town.
        e.g. ...a courtesy phone.

    5. (拜访)礼节性的
        A courtesy call or a courtesy visit is a formal visit that you pay someone as a way of showing them politeness or respect.

        e.g. The President paid a courtesy call on Emperor Akihito.

    6. (无法律实效的或非正式的)尊称
        A courtesy title is a title that someone is allowed to use, although it has no legal or official status.

        e.g. Both were accorded the courtesy title of Lady...
        e.g. My title, by courtesy only, is the Honourable Amalia Lovell.

    7. (用来表示感谢)承蒙…的好意,蒙…提供
        If something is provided courtesy of someone or by courtesy of someone, they provide it. You often use this expression in order to thank them.

        e.g. The waitress brings over some congratulatory glasses of champagne, courtesy of the restaurant...
        e.g. Illustrations by courtesy of the National Gallery.

    8. 作为…的结果;由…引起
        If you say that one thing happens courtesy of another or by courtesy of another, you mean that the second thing causes or is responsible for the first thing.

        e.g. The air was fresh, courtesy of three holes in the roof...
        e.g. As millions will have seen, by courtesy of the slow motion re-runs, the referee made a mistake.


    1. 礼貌;谦恭;彬彬有礼
        Courtesy is politeness, respect, and consideration for others.


        e.g. ...a gentleman who behaves with the utmost courtesy towards ladies...
        e.g. He did not even have the courtesy to reply to my fax.

    2. 礼貌
        If you refer to the courtesy of doing something, you are referring to a polite action.

        e.g. By extending the courtesy of a phone call to my clients, I was building a personal relationship with them...
        e.g. At least if they're arguing, they're doing you the courtesy of being interested.

    3. (正式场合的)客气话,礼貌话
        Courtesies are polite, conventional things that people say in formal situations.

        e.g. Hugh and John were exchanging faintly barbed courtesies.

    4. (服务)免费的
        Courtesy is used to describe services that are provided free of charge by an organization to its customers, or to the general public.

        e.g. A courtesy shuttle bus operates between the hotel and the town.
        e.g. ...a courtesy phone.

    5. (拜访)礼节性的
        A courtesy call or a courtesy visit is a formal visit that you pay someone as a way of showing them politeness or respect.

        e.g. The President paid a courtesy call on Emperor Akihito.

    6. (无法律实效的或非正式的)尊称
        A courtesy title is a title that someone is allowed to use, although it has no legal or official status.

        e.g. Both were accorded the courtesy title of Lady...
        e.g. My title, by courtesy only, is the Honourable Amalia Lovell.

    7. (用来表示感谢)承蒙…的好意,蒙…提供
        If something is provided courtesy of someone or by courtesy of someone, they provide it. You often use this expression in order to thank them.

        e.g. The waitress brings over some congratulatory glasses of champagne, courtesy of the restaurant...
        e.g. Illustrations by courtesy of the National Gallery.

    8. 作为…的结果;由…引起
        If you say that one thing happens courtesy of another or by courtesy of another, you mean that the second thing causes or is responsible for the first thing.

        e.g. The air was fresh, courtesy of three holes in the roof...
        e.g. As millions will have seen, by courtesy of the slow motion re-runs, the referee made a mistake.

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