
  • cough

    英:[kɒf]   美: [kɔ:f] 

    cough 基本解释

    及物/不及物动词咳嗽; (引擎等)发噗噗声; 咳出

    名词咳,咳嗽; 咳嗽病; (机关枪等的)连续发射声

    cough 相关词组

    1. cough out : 咳出;

    2. cough up : 勉强说出;

    3. cough down : 用咳嗽声阻挠;

    cough 相关例句



    1. He coughed up some drops of blood.


    1. The engine coughed and died.

    2. The child was coughing all night.


    1. cough的近义词

    1. His cough had slackened, but his nose was still running.

    2. The old lady had a bad cough.

    cough 网络解释

    1. 咳嗽:传播病毒男孩(Pandemic Boy) 使用咳嗽、大便和呕吐的方式来传播致命病毒,完成游戏右上角的关卡目标就能过关. [Z]: 咳嗽(Cough)[X]: 大便(Coconut)[C]: 呕吐(Vomit)

    2. 嗽:回答: 咳嗽(cough)是人体的一种保护性反射动作. 呼吸道内的病理性分泌物和从外界进入呼吸道内的异物,可借咳嗽反射的动作而排出体外. 可是如为频繁的刺激性咳嗽而致影响工作与休息,则失去其保护性意义. 骤然发生的咳嗽,


    3. 咳嗽 咳嗽:咳嗽药方如何医治咳嗽 咳嗽(cough)是人体的一种保护性反射动作. 呼吸道内的病理性分泌物和从外界进入呼吸道内的异物,可..

    4. cough

    4. 咳:corp-躯 | cough咳 | cover盖

    1. 咳嗽
        When you cough, you force air out of your throat with a sudden, harsh noise. You often cough when you are ill, or when you are nervous or want to attract someone's attention.


        e.g. Graham began to cough violently...
        e.g. He coughed. 'Excuse me, Mrs Allsworthy, could I have a word?'

    He was then overcome by a terrible fit of coughing.
    接着他便控制不住地剧烈咳嗽了一阵。 词典解释

    1. 咳嗽
        When you cough, you force air out of your throat with a sudden, harsh noise. You often cough when you are ill, or when you are nervous or want to attract someone's attention.


        e.g. Graham began to cough violently...
        e.g. He coughed. 'Excuse me, Mrs Allsworthy, could I have a word?'

    He was then overcome by a terrible fit of coughing.
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