
  • context

    英:[ˈkɒntekst]   美: [ˈkɑ:ntekst] 

    context 基本解释


    context 相关例句


    1. You can often tell the meaning of a word from its context.

    2. Can you tell the meaning of this word from its context?

    3. Crime has to be studied in its social contexts.

    context 网络解释

    1. 环境 上下文:业务组件由业务组件接口和业务组件服务组成,其接口是一个业务组件使用者(系统组件服务)和业务组件服务实现者之间的一个约束协定.由于业务组件独立于使用用例,它们的运行环境上下文(Context)由系统组件服务提供,

    2. context

    2. 上下文关系:不必问为什麼,即便是中文,不是语言学家也说不出个所以然,这种约定成俗的表达,在上下文关系(context)里学,速度最快. 4. 绿化办公大楼不仅可以省钱、提高生产力、提升形象,还能创造可观的环保效益(建筑物占了所有二氧化碳排放量约30%).

    1. (想法、事件等的)背景,环境
        The context of an idea or event is the general situation that relates to it, and which helps it to be understood.


        e.g. We are doing this work in the context of reforms in the economic, social and cultural spheres.
        e.g. ...the historical context in which Chaucer wrote...

    2. 上下文;语境
        The context of a word, sentence, or text consists of the words, sentences, or text before and after it which help to make its meaning clear.

        e.g. Without a context, I would have assumed it was written by a man.

    3. 在上下文中;置于背景之下
        If something is seen in context or if it is put into context, it is considered together with all the factors that relate to it.


        e.g. Taxation is not popular in principle, merely acceptable in context...
        e.g. It is important that we put Jesus into the context of history.

    4. 脱离上下文;断章取义地
        If a statement or remark is quoted out of context, the circumstances in which it was said are not correctly reported, so that it seems to mean something different from the meaning that was intended.

        e.g. Thomas says that he has been taken out of context on the issue...
        e.g. Quotes can be manipulated and used out of context.


    1. (想法、事件等的)背景,环境
        The context of an idea or event is the general situation that relates to it, and which helps it to be understood.


        e.g. We are doing this work in the context of reforms in the economic, social and cultural spheres.
        e.g. ...the historical context in which Chaucer wrote...

    2. 上下文;语境
        The context of a word, sentence, or text consists of the words, sentences, or text before and after it which help to make its meaning clear.

        e.g. Without a context, I would have assumed it was written by a man.

    3. 在上下文中;置于背景之下
        If something is seen in context or if it is put into context, it is considered together with all the factors that relate to it.


        e.g. Taxation is not popular in principle, merely acceptable in context...
        e.g. It is important that we put Jesus into the context of history.

    4. 脱离上下文;断章取义地
        If a statement or remark is quoted out of context, the circumstances in which it was said are not correctly reported, so that it seems to mean something different from the meaning that was intended.

        e.g. Thomas says that he has been taken out of context on the issue...
        e.g. Quotes can be manipulated and used out of context.

    context 情景对话

    Learning Vocabulary-(学习词汇)

    A:I don't understand why we have to memorize conversations.We need more vocabulary, not pronunciation.

    B:Don't you think memorizing conversations is a part of learning vocabulary?Every time we memorize a conversation, we're memorizing a whole series of contexts.Each context tells us one way a word can be used.I know from my own language that I can't always use words by simply looking them up in a dictionary and then putting them into sentences. Some words have many meanings. We have to know which meanings go where.

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