
  • consecutive

    英:[kənˈsekjətɪv]   美: [kənˈsɛkjətɪv] 

    consecutive 基本解释

    consecutive 反义词


    同义词: continuousfollowingsuccessive

    consecutive 相关例句


    1. The number 4, 5, 6 are consecutive.

    2. consecutive

    2. It has rained for four consecutive days.

    3. consecutive

    3. The streets of New York City are numbered in consecutive order.

    consecutive 网络解释


    1. 连续的:波的最高点叫做波峰(crest),而最低点叫做波谷(trough),两个连续的(consecutive)的波峰和波谷之间的距离叫做波长wavelength. 一个完整的振动波长叫做周期,周期一般用时间来表示. 一秒内完成的周期数叫做频率frequency. 频率由Hz来衡量.

    2. 连续:罗兰•巴特指出事件的序中存在六种关系:1、连续(consecutive)关系,即指时间上的前后顺序. 2、因果(consequential)关系,指一个事件决定另一个事件. 这两种关系难能确然断开,因为连续关系中常隐含着因果关系. 而因果关系又往往可见出其时间之联系.

    3. 连续的;连贯的:1.automaton 自动操作装置;机器人 | 3.consecutive 连续的;连贯的 | 4.devise 设计;发明;策划

    4. 连贯的:114. harsh 苛刻的 | 115. consecutive 连贯的 | 116. anti clockwise逆时针的

    1. 连续的;不间断的
        Consecutive periods of time or events happen one after the other without interruption.

        e.g. The Cup was won for the third consecutive year by the Toronto Maple Leafs...
        e.g. Photographs taken at the same time on two consecutive sunny days can be quite different from one another.

    ...a CD player which plays six CDs consecutively.
    可以连续播放6张CD的CD播放机 词典解释

    1. 连续的;不间断的
        Consecutive periods of time or events happen one after the other without interruption.

        e.g. The Cup was won for the third consecutive year by the Toronto Maple Leafs...
        e.g. Photographs taken at the same time on two consecutive sunny days can be quite different from one another.

    ...a CD player which plays six CDs consecutively.
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