
  • compromise

    英:[ˈkɒmprəmaɪz]   美: [ˈkɑ:mprəmaɪz] 

    compromise 基本解释

    名词妥协; (名誉等的)损害; 妥协(或折中)方案; 折中物

    不及物动词折中解决; 妥协,退让

    及物动词违背(原则); 连累; (尤指因行为不很明智)使陷入危险

    compromise 相关例句


    1. You will compromise your good name if you associate with these people.

    2. compromise的近义词

    2. He refused to compromise his principles.


    1. They found it wiser to compromise with her.

    2. We can not compromise on such terms.


    1. He did it without compromise of his dignity.

    2. compromise在线翻译

    2. I hope we shall come to a compromise.

    compromise 网络解释

    1. 和解:a loan shark)的代名词. 1608年以后,莎士比亚进入创作后期. 这时期,他的作品往往通过神话式的幻想,借助超自然的力量来解决理想与现实之间的矛盾. 作品贯穿着宽恕(condone)与和解(compromise)的主题.

    2. 折衷:毕竟近现代这些国家男盗女娼装聋作哑掩耳盗铃的事情干的不老少. 另说一句,我不是很在意欧美维护人权道德的书生气, 我们自己善良的同胞有时书生气重了些. 妥协折衷(COMPROMISE)是常态,但是必须提醒自己也要提醒他们,妥协是相互的,单是一方的退让不叫妥协.

    1. 折中;妥协;让步
        A compromise is a situation in which people accept something slightly different from what they really want, because of circumstances or because they are considering the wishes of other people.


        e.g. Encourage your child to reach a compromise between what he wants and what you want...
        e.g. Be ready and willing to make compromises between your needs and those of your partner...

    2. 妥协;作出让步
        If you compromise with someone, you reach an agreement with them in which you both give up something that you originally wanted. You can also say that two people or groups compromise .

        e.g. The government has compromised with its critics over monetary policies...
        e.g. 'Nine,' said I. 'Nine thirty,' tried he. We compromised on 9.15...

    3. 使(自己)声誉受损;违背(信念)
        If someone compromises themselves or compromises their beliefs, they do something which damages their reputation for honesty, loyalty, or high moral principles.


        e.g. ...members of the government who have compromised themselves by co-operating with the emergency committee...
        e.g. He would rather shoot himself than compromise his principles.


    1. 折中;妥协;让步
        A compromise is a situation in which people accept something slightly different from what they really want, because of circumstances or because they are considering the wishes of other people.


        e.g. Encourage your child to reach a compromise between what he wants and what you want...
        e.g. Be ready and willing to make compromises between your needs and those of your partner...

    2. 妥协;作出让步
        If you compromise with someone, you reach an agreement with them in which you both give up something that you originally wanted. You can also say that two people or groups compromise .

        e.g. The government has compromised with its critics over monetary policies...
        e.g. 'Nine,' said I. 'Nine thirty,' tried he. We compromised on 9.15...

    3. 使(自己)声誉受损;违背(信念)
        If someone compromises themselves or compromises their beliefs, they do something which damages their reputation for honesty, loyalty, or high moral principles.


        e.g. ...members of the government who have compromised themselves by co-operating with the emergency committee...
        e.g. He would rather shoot himself than compromise his principles.

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