
  • chalk

    英:[tʃɔ:k]   美: [tʃɔk] 

    chalk 基本解释


    chalk 相关例句


    1. chalk的翻译

    1. He chalked out a simple plan of the new building.

    1. chalk在线翻译

    1. New world records in the track and field events are chalked up from time to time in the past few years.


    1. Teachers usually write on the blackboard with chalk.

    2. The teacher wrote on the blackboard with a piece of chalk.

    chalk 网络解释

    1. 白垩:5.石粉 石灰石(Umestone)、白垩(chalk)、方解石(calcite)、白云石(dolomite)等均系天然碳酸钙,还含有少量其他矿物质元素,经过饲料卫生质量标准检验,均可作为石粉原料.

    2. 巧克:评估球杆一定要试打过后才能下评断,而试打时一定要确实的抹上巧克(chalk)从拉杆、推杆、下塞、长距离击球、长距离台边球打击...等等,最好再多试几下你最拿手的出杆打击和拿手球,以判定该球杆是否符合你大部分的需求.

    3. 乔克:IMF亚太区负责人乔克(Chalk)表示,在全球经济环境日益陷入困境的情况下,允许人民币加快升值就变得更加重要. 国际贸易的放缓将使本地经济更加依赖内部消费. 乔克称,当前的全球环境和世界经济的下滑速度已经使中国改革汇率体制,

    1. 白垩
        Chalk is a type of soft white rock. You can use small pieces of it for writing or drawing with.

        e.g. ...the highest chalk cliffs in Britain...
        e.g. Her skin was chalk white and dry-looking.

    2. 粉笔
        Chalk is small sticks of chalk, or a substance similar to chalk, used for writing or drawing with.

        e.g. ...somebody writing with a piece of chalk.
        e.g. ...drawing a small picture with coloured chalks.

    3. 用粉笔画(或写)
        If you chalk something, you draw or write it using a piece of chalk.

        e.g. He chalked the message on the blackboard...
        e.g. There was a blackboard with seven names chalked on it.

    4. 截然不同;完全不同
        If you say that two people or things are like chalk and cheese, you are emphasizing that they are completely different from each other.

        e.g. The two places, he insists, are as different as chalk and cheese...
        e.g. We are very aware of our differences, we accept that we are chalk and cheese.

    5. (用于加强语气)绝对
        You can use by a long chalk to add emphasis to something you are saying.

        e.g. The rest of us hadn't finished our drinks, not by a long chalk.

    相关词组:chalk up


    1. 白垩
        Chalk is a type of soft white rock. You can use small pieces of it for writing or drawing with.

        e.g. ...the highest chalk cliffs in Britain...
        e.g. Her skin was chalk white and dry-looking.

    2. 粉笔
        Chalk is small sticks of chalk, or a substance similar to chalk, used for writing or drawing with.

        e.g. ...somebody writing with a piece of chalk.
        e.g. ...drawing a small picture with coloured chalks.

    3. 用粉笔画(或写)
        If you chalk something, you draw or write it using a piece of chalk.

        e.g. He chalked the message on the blackboard...
        e.g. There was a blackboard with seven names chalked on it.

    4. 截然不同;完全不同
        If you say that two people or things are like chalk and cheese, you are emphasizing that they are completely different from each other.

        e.g. The two places, he insists, are as different as chalk and cheese...
        e.g. We are very aware of our differences, we accept that we are chalk and cheese.

    5. (用于加强语气)绝对
        You can use by a long chalk to add emphasis to something you are saying.

        e.g. The rest of us hadn't finished our drinks, not by a long chalk.

    相关词组:chalk up

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