
  • central

    英:[ˈsentrəl]   美: [ˈsɛntrəl] 

    central 基本解释

    形容词中央的,中心的; 重要的,核心的

    名词电话总局; 电话转接员

    central 相关例句


    1. What's the central idea of the article?

    2. Our apartment is very central for the shops.

    3. The railroad station is in the central part of the city.

    4. The central aim of this government is social stability.

    5. The shops are in a central position in the city.

    central 网络解释

    1. 中央的:英特尔最新的包括802.11b协议支持的芯片. 我猜这是英特尔的一些构词专家们共同琢磨出来的. 显然这个名字来自某些词语的组合. 诸如中心的(centric),中央的(central),中微子(neutrino)甚至圣婴(bambino)等等.

    2. 中环:Dusty继昨天公布了2010年1月的冬季新品后,最新的2010春季系列眼镜系列也公布了,这次共有包括太子(PRINCE EDWARD),佐敦(JORDAN),铜锣湾(CAUSEWAY BAY),中环(CENTRAL)四个款式.

    3. central在线翻译

    3. 中枢性:根据呼吸道气流 (airflow) 与呼吸肌收缩之有无,可分类为:(1) 阻塞性 (obstructive),(2) 中枢性 (central),(3) 混合性 (mixed) 三种. 泛指生理或心理的亢奋程度. 在睡眠中也特别用以指称生物体由睡眠的深层状态 (deep sleep) 转变为浅层睡眠 (light sleep) 或清醒状态 (waking).

    4. central:cntrl; 中央,中心

    1. 中央的;中心的
        Something that is central is in the middle of a place or area.

        e.g. ...Central America's Caribbean coast...
        e.g. The disruption has now spread and is affecting a large part of central Liberia.

    The main cabin has its full-sized double bed centrally placed with plenty of room around it.
    主舱正中央摆着一张标准双人床,四周很宽敞。 词典解释

    1. 中央的;中心的
        Something that is central is in the middle of a place or area.

        e.g. ...Central America's Caribbean coast...
        e.g. The disruption has now spread and is affecting a large part of central Liberia.

    The main cabin has its full-sized double bed centrally placed with plenty of room around it.

    central 情景对话


    A:Is this the Central Park to East Market bus?


    B:This is the East Market to Central Park bus. Where do you want to go?

    A:To the Municipal Government Hall.

    B:Take the same number bus going in the other direction. There’s a stop right across the street.

    A:Thank you.

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