
  • care

    英:[keə(r)]   美: [ker] 

    care 基本解释

    动词照顾; 关心; 担心; 喜爱

    名词照顾; 小心; 忧虑

    care 相关词组

    1. care for : 喜欢, 照顾;

    2. for all I care : 与我无关;

    3. take care of : 照顾, 照料;

    4. take into care : 送进教养院;

    5. care about : 担心, 关心;

    care 相关例句


    1. I don't care what they say.


    1. His son cared for him when he was ill.


    1. care的反义词

    1. Is he in the doctor's care?

    2. Take care of your brother while I am away.

    3. Caroline began to devote more care to her work.

    care 网络解释

    1. 國際關懷協會:目前,这批PUR净水剂正由数家NGO救援机构代为分发到海地受灾地区,这些救援机构包括美国关怀 (AmeriCare),国际关怀协会(CARE),全球医援机构(Global Medic),国际人口服务组织(PSI),纯洁爱心机构(Pure Compassion Ministries),

    2. care的解释

    2. 小心:翻看着那些照片 突然感觉 粉色的大头靴子 真漂亮 我以前有双黑色的呢 可穿起来 怎么就不对味呢 这几天 耳根就不清静 总有些唠唠叨叨的声音在围绕(environment) 我真想说 请别再说了我 其实比你们 更着急 越听着 越感觉 我好像跟个废人一样 可是 生活 有时候 就连能拿出喘口气活着的勇气(courage)都很可敬了 还要怎么样活着.

    3. care:cooperative for assistance and relief everywhere; 国际人道救援合作组织

    4. care:computer – aided reliability estimation; 计算机辅助的可靠性测定〖程序〗

    5. care:cooperative for american remittances to europe; 美国对欧汇业协会

    6. care:customer account record exchange; 客户账目记录交换

    1. 关心;在乎;在意
        If you care about something, you feel that it is important and are concerned about it.

        e.g. ...a company that cares about the environment.
        e.g. ...young men who did not care whether they lived or died...

    2. 爱;喜爱
        If you care for someone, you feel a lot of affection for them.

        e.g. He wanted me to know that he still cared for me.
        e.g. ...people who are your friends, who care about you.

    ...the 'feminine' traits of caring and compassion.
    富有爱心和同情心的“女性”特质 词典解释

    1. 关心;在乎;在意
        If you care about something, you feel that it is important and are concerned about it.

        e.g. ...a company that cares about the environment.
        e.g. ...young men who did not care whether they lived or died...

    2. 爱;喜爱
        If you care for someone, you feel a lot of affection for them.

        e.g. He wanted me to know that he still cared for me.
        e.g. ...people who are your friends, who care about you.

    ...the 'feminine' traits of caring and compassion.

    care 情景对话



    A:Would you care for some red wine?


    B:No, thanks.

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