
  • cabbage

    英:[ˈkæbɪdʒ]   美: [ˈkæbɪdʒ] 

    cabbage 基本解释

    名词甘蓝(洋白菜、卷心菜); <非正式、侮辱>植物人,常用于英式英语; <俚>钱,尤指纸币,常用于美式俚语; <俚>脑袋

    cabbage 网络解释

    1. 卷心菜:| 有素食么? : , . | 恩,有很多. : . | 那么请给我黄瓜和土豆. : ? | 不需要其他的了么? : . | 是的. : . . | 知道了 请稍等. 词汇! 青菜 白菜 卷心菜 (cabbage) 芹菜 菠菜 韭菜 冬瓜 黄瓜 南瓜 茄子 竹笋 海带 萝卜 洋山

    2. cabbage什么意思

    2. 包心菜:材料: 包心菜(cabbage)半个快刀切开掰散叶子;红辣椒干若干个切稍碎;蒜茸姜末各少许 做法: 炒锅中下油2汤匙(最好用猪油,香些),先小火,下红辣椒干炒香,然后下蒜茸姜末,煸出香味,改中偏大的火,哗的把包心菜放进锅中快速煸炒至拆散的菜叶都均匀吸...


    3. 白菜:美国时刻最佳消化酵素胶囊包含着非基因改造,从微生物获得的酵素组合物能有效地帮助多数食物在身体内的消化作用;包括豆类食物和十字花科植物(Cruciferous),如花耶菜(Broccoli)及白菜(Cabbage)等.

    4. 洋白菜:译成中文就是「那条街瘫痪了吗?」惹得老美哈哈大笑. 把自己的经历说给一个从荷兰来的同事听,她回答说她闹的笑话更逗,说在美国见到洋白菜(cabbage)便宜就经常买洋白菜,跟人说她在家常吃garbage (垃圾)!

    1. 卷心菜;洋白菜;甘蓝
        A cabbage is a round vegetable with white, green or purple leaves that is usually eaten cooked.

    2. 植物人;(脑部受损或患重病的)废人
        If someone refers to a very sick or disabled person as a cabbage, they are saying in an offensive way that the sick person is so badly brain-damaged or ill that they cannot do anything.


    1. 卷心菜;洋白菜;甘蓝
        A cabbage is a round vegetable with white, green or purple leaves that is usually eaten cooked.

    2. 植物人;(脑部受损或患重病的)废人
        If someone refers to a very sick or disabled person as a cabbage, they are saying in an offensive way that the sick person is so badly brain-damaged or ill that they cannot do anything.

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