
  • brush

    英:[brʌʃ]   美: [brʌʃ] 

    brush 基本解释

    1. brush off : 刷去, 脱落, 除掉;

    2. brush up : 刷干净, 复习, 提高;

    brush 相关例句


    1. The maid brushed the crumbs from the table.

    2. The breeze brushed his check.


    1. I paint with a brush.

    2. He felt the brush of her dress.

    brush 网络解释

    1. 毛刷:适用于工业电炉,欢迎来电或M我公司主要代理日本ROKI TECHNO CO.,得各种FILTER和德国STERNG PUMP(SIHI PUMP),除此之外还包括格式真空吸盘(VACUUM CUP) 电子毛刷(BRUSH)及元件,同时我们还新增了二硅化钼发热体(MOSi2 HEATER) 业务,

    2. 刷子:本公司是一家专业生产砂轮, 刷子(BRUSH), 毛毡、毛布(UNWOREN TEXTILE) 等 磨料的厂家. 为了在激烈的市场竞争中立于不败之地,本公司以向顾客提供优质高效的产品为己任,长期以来致力于生产多种优质品,不断开拓进取,以求企业的进一步发展.

    1. 刷子;毛刷
        A brush is an object which has a large number of bristles or hairs fixed to it. You use brushes for painting, for cleaning things, and for tidying your hair.

        e.g. We gave him paint and brushes...
        e.g. Stains are removed with buckets of soapy water and scrubbing brushes.

    2. (用刷子)刷
        If you brush something or brush something such as dirt off it, you clean it or tidy it using a brush.

        e.g. Have you brushed your teeth?...
        e.g. She brushed the powder out of her hair...

    3. 用刷子在…上涂(或抹)
        If you brush something with a liquid, you apply a layer of that liquid using a brush.

        e.g. Take a sheet of filo pastry and brush it with melted butter.

    4. 拭;拂;擦
        If you brush something somewhere, you remove it with quick light movements of your hands.


        e.g. He brushed his hair back with both hands...
        e.g. She brushed away tears as she spoke of him...

    5. 擦过;掠过
        If one thing brushes against another or if you brush one thing against another, the first thing touches the second thing lightly while passing it.


        e.g. Something brushed against her leg...
        e.g. I felt her dark brown hair brushing the back of my shoulder...

    6. (从…身边)擦过,掠过
        If you brush past someone or brush by them, you almost touch them as you go past them.

        e.g. My father would burst into the kitchen, brushing past my mother...
        e.g. He brushed by with a perfunctory wave to the crowd.

    7. 小冲突;小争论;小摩擦
        If you have a brush with someone, you have an argument or disagreement with them. You use brush when you want to make an argument or disagreement sound less serious than it really is.


        e.g. My first brush with a headmaster came six years ago...
        e.g. It is his third brush with the law in less than a year.

    8. 触及;碰到;险些遭遇
        If you have a brush with a particular situation, usually an unpleasant one, you almost experience it.

        e.g. ...the trauma of a brush with death...
        e.g. The corporation is fighting to survive its second brush with bankruptcy.

    9. 灌木区;灌木丛
        Brush is an area of rough open land covered with small bushes and trees. You also use brush to refer to the bushes and trees on this land.


        e.g. ...the brush fire that destroyed nearly 500 acres.
        e.g. ...a meadow of low brush and grass.

    10. see also: broad-brush;nail brush

    11. tarred with the same brush -> see tar

    相关词组:brush asidebrush offbrush up


    1. 刷子;毛刷
        A brush is an object which has a large number of bristles or hairs fixed to it. You use brushes for painting, for cleaning things, and for tidying your hair.

        e.g. We gave him paint and brushes...
        e.g. Stains are removed with buckets of soapy water and scrubbing brushes.

    2. (用刷子)刷
        If you brush something or brush something such as dirt off it, you clean it or tidy it using a brush.

        e.g. Have you brushed your teeth?...
        e.g. She brushed the powder out of her hair...

    3. 用刷子在…上涂(或抹)
        If you brush something with a liquid, you apply a layer of that liquid using a brush.

        e.g. Take a sheet of filo pastry and brush it with melted butter.

    4. 拭;拂;擦
        If you brush something somewhere, you remove it with quick light movements of your hands.


        e.g. He brushed his hair back with both hands...
        e.g. She brushed away tears as she spoke of him...

    5. 擦过;掠过
        If one thing brushes against another or if you brush one thing against another, the first thing touches the second thing lightly while passing it.


        e.g. Something brushed against her leg...
        e.g. I felt her dark brown hair brushing the back of my shoulder...

    6. (从…身边)擦过,掠过
        If you brush past someone or brush by them, you almost touch them as you go past them.

        e.g. My father would burst into the kitchen, brushing past my mother...
        e.g. He brushed by with a perfunctory wave to the crowd.

    7. 小冲突;小争论;小摩擦
        If you have a brush with someone, you have an argument or disagreement with them. You use brush when you want to make an argument or disagreement sound less serious than it really is.


        e.g. My first brush with a headmaster came six years ago...
        e.g. It is his third brush with the law in less than a year.

    8. 触及;碰到;险些遭遇
        If you have a brush with a particular situation, usually an unpleasant one, you almost experience it.

        e.g. ...the trauma of a brush with death...
        e.g. The corporation is fighting to survive its second brush with bankruptcy.

    9. 灌木区;灌木丛
        Brush is an area of rough open land covered with small bushes and trees. You also use brush to refer to the bushes and trees on this land.


        e.g. ...the brush fire that destroyed nearly 500 acres.
        e.g. ...a meadow of low brush and grass.

    10. see also: broad-brush;nail brush

    11. tarred with the same brush -> see tar

    相关词组:brush asidebrush offbrush up

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