
  • bet

    英:[bet]   美: [bet] 

    bet 基本解释


    bet 相关例句


    1. bet的反义词

    1. I bet you'll win.

    2. I'll bet ten dollars on the chestnut horse.

    3. I bet it will rain soon!


    1. I bet against the feasibility of the plan.


    1. The white horse is a poor bet.

    2. bet的解释

    2. My bet is that she won't refuse his invitation.

    bet 网络解释

    3. 赌:通过ad.在附近,经过esta.最好的ad.最,最好反义词:worsta.ad.最坏(的),最差(的),最恶劣(的)betv.打赌,断定n.打赌记:最好(best)没事(去掉s)别别打赌,拿个球拍(bat)去打球betrayvt.背叛,暴露记:我敢打赌(bet),只要有一束光线(ray),

    4. bet的翻译

    4. bet:bacterial endotoxins test; 细菌内毒素检查法

    5. bet的意思

    5. bet:break even time; 收支平衡时间

    The form bet is used in the present tense and is the past tense and past participle. bet 的过去式和过去分词与原形相同。 词典解释

    The form bet is used in the present tense and is the past tense and past participle. bet 的过去式和过去分词与原形相同。

    bet 情景对话


    A:I can’t believe it!

    B:What’s wrong? That was a great goal.


    A:Yes, but I bet $200 dollars on the Cougars!

    B:Looks like you’re going to lose out on this game then.

    A:I can’t believe it! I thought the Cougars were going to win for sure.

    B:What were the odds?

    A:20 to 1, in favour of the Cougars!

    B:Too bad.

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