
  • away

    英:[əˈweɪ]   美: [əˈwe] 

    away 基本解释

    1. right away : 立刻, 马上;

    同义词: asideoffout

    away 相关例句


    1. At last, the music died away.

    2. The sound of their footsteps died away.

    3. away的近义词

    3. Harry is still away.

    4. away的反义词

    4. It is not advisable just to work away without making a timely summing-up of experience.

    5. away

    5. Go away!

    away 网络解释

    1. away

    1. 遠離:像之前的<<远离>>(away)也是,它的封面是白色底,上有蓝色黑影的飞舞的蒲公英,很美很美. 这两本书都不是那种看了放不下的小说,情节不是最重要的,最重要的是流露出的心情. 它们都是讲述追寻的旅途,坚定的追寻,无论是追寻女儿还是追寻亲生父母,

    2. 离:远离(AWAY) 只要挪得远远的,多就会显得少. 开放(OPEN) 开放会简化复杂. 能源(POWER) 少用,会得到更多. 他毕业自麻省理工学院电脑科学系与研究所,后来更取得筑波大学设计博士学位. 横跨艺术与科技双领域的前田教授,

    Away is often used with verbs of movement, such as ‘go’ and ‘drive’, and also in phrasal verbs such as ‘do away with’ and ‘fade away’.
    away常与行为动词连用,如go和drive,还可用于do away with, fade away等短语动词中。 词典解释

    Away is often used with verbs of movement, such as ‘go’ and ‘drive’, and also in phrasal verbs such as ‘do away with’ and ‘fade away’.
    away常与行为动词连用,如go和drive,还可用于do away with, fade away等短语动词中。

    away 情景对话


    A:What is your best price on this item ?

    B:$24.95 per hundred pieces

    A:That will be fine with us .

    B:Fine . I‘ll start the paperwork for your order right away .

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