
  • argue

    英:[ˈɑ:gju:]   美: [ˈɑ:rgju:] 

    argue 基本解释


    argue 相关例句


    1. They tried to argue him into joining them.

    2. We argued her out of going on such a dangerous journey.

    3. Columbus argued that the world was round.

    4. We argued the matter over for hours.


    1. I'm not going to argue with you tonight.

    argue 网络解释

    1. 争论:有人争论(argue)到,收音机也有这样的功能,但是电视展现给人的是更生动和逼真的画面. 但是它也有弊端. 电视屏幕对人的身体没有好处. 我们如此习惯的看屏幕上的一举一动,如此依赖于(dependent on)看它展现给我们的画面,

    2. 争辩:常用的提问句型有:但是,我们可以把常见的类型归纳分类,作者的目的大体上可以分为以下几种:解释(explain)、介绍(inform or introduce)、描写(describe)、批评(criticize)、劝说(persuade)或说服(convince)、讨论(discuss)、争辩(argue)和分析(analy

    3. 辩论:没有人会否认,商议(deliberate)和辩论(argue)能力是理智群体的一个显著标志. 尽管如此,对用来说服他人接受某一论证的方法的探讨,却被逻辑学家和研究知识的理论家们忽视了三个世纪. 这种情况源于支持某个命题的那些论证的非强制性特征.

    4. 吵架:问题补充:他由于粗心驾驶而被捕(arrest) 他们总是为钱吵架(argue) 这项新科技已被应用到农业(apply) 他知道真象后感到很惊讶(astonish) 你为什么不征求...

    1. 争吵;争执
        If one person argues with another, they speak angrily to each other about something that they disagree about. You can also say that two people argue .

        e.g. The committee is concerned about players' behaviour, especially arguing with referees...
        e.g. They were still arguing; I could hear them down the road.

    2. 争论;争辩
        If you tell someone not to argue with you, you want them to do or believe what you say without protest or disagreement.

        e.g. Don't argue with me...
        e.g. The children go to bed at 10.30. No one dares argue.

    3. 辩论;讨论
        If you argue with someone about something, you discuss it with them, with each of you giving your different opinions.

        e.g. He was arguing with the King about the need to maintain the cavalry at full strength...
        e.g. They are arguing over foreign policy...

    4. 主张;认为
        If you argue that something is true, you state it and give the reasons why you think it is true.


        e.g. His lawyers are arguing that he is unfit to stand trial...
        e.g. It could be argued that the British are not aggressive enough.

    5. 支持/反对
        If you argue for something, you say why you agree with it, in order to persuade people that it is right. If you argue against something, you say why you disagree with it, in order to persuade people that it is wrong.


        e.g. The report argues against tax increases...
        e.g. I argued the case for an independent central bank.

    6. 论证;说理;争辩
        If you argue, you support your opinions with evidence in an ordered or logical way.

        e.g. I've argued deductively from the text...
        e.g. He argued persuasively, and was full of confidence.

    7. 不承认;对…有争议
        If you say that no-one can argue with a particular fact or opinion, you are emphasizing that it is obviously true and so everyone must accept it.

        e.g. We produced the best soccer of the tournament. Nobody would argue with that.

    8. to argue the toss -> see toss

    相关词组:argue out


    1. 争吵;争执
        If one person argues with another, they speak angrily to each other about something that they disagree about. You can also say that two people argue .

        e.g. The committee is concerned about players' behaviour, especially arguing with referees...
        e.g. They were still arguing; I could hear them down the road.

    2. 争论;争辩
        If you tell someone not to argue with you, you want them to do or believe what you say without protest or disagreement.

        e.g. Don't argue with me...
        e.g. The children go to bed at 10.30. No one dares argue.

    3. 辩论;讨论
        If you argue with someone about something, you discuss it with them, with each of you giving your different opinions.

        e.g. He was arguing with the King about the need to maintain the cavalry at full strength...
        e.g. They are arguing over foreign policy...

    4. 主张;认为
        If you argue that something is true, you state it and give the reasons why you think it is true.


        e.g. His lawyers are arguing that he is unfit to stand trial...
        e.g. It could be argued that the British are not aggressive enough.

    5. 支持/反对
        If you argue for something, you say why you agree with it, in order to persuade people that it is right. If you argue against something, you say why you disagree with it, in order to persuade people that it is wrong.


        e.g. The report argues against tax increases...
        e.g. I argued the case for an independent central bank.

    6. 论证;说理;争辩
        If you argue, you support your opinions with evidence in an ordered or logical way.

        e.g. I've argued deductively from the text...
        e.g. He argued persuasively, and was full of confidence.

    7. 不承认;对…有争议
        If you say that no-one can argue with a particular fact or opinion, you are emphasizing that it is obviously true and so everyone must accept it.

        e.g. We produced the best soccer of the tournament. Nobody would argue with that.

    8. to argue the toss -> see toss

    相关词组:argue out

    argue 情景对话

    American English Rhythm-(美国英语的节拍)

    A:Hello, Harry. Where are you off to?

    B:I'm going home to study my English lesson.

    A:English lesson?


    B:Yes. I'm trying to learn a little more.I don't always understand what people say, and they don't always understand me.


    A:What're you learning about?

    B:Well. For instance, some words in a sentence are stressed.The time between two of these stressed words is always about the same. No matter how many words there are.This is what makes English sound jerky. First you go very fast, and then perhaps you slow up.


    A:Hmmmm. I never noticed that. Give me an example.


    B:Sure, Here's a sentence we memorized for class. "You told me last night not to let you argue me out of getting you up on time."It takes just as long to say"not to let you argue me out of getting you up on time"as it does to say"you told me last night"
          可以。这儿有一句我们在上课时应记住的话:"You told me last night not to let you argue me out of getting you up on time。"在说"not to let you argue me out of getting you up on time"这段话的时间就和说"you told me last night"这句话一样长。

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