
  • alms

    英:[ɑ:mz]   美: [ɑmz] 

    alms 基本解释



    alms 网络解释

    1. 施舍:所以基督徒务必小心不让慈惠(charity)腐化成施舍(alms). 前者令人从权力中得释放,后者不单用人情债筑起恩庇侍从的主客网络(patron-client relationship),甚至将上主无价的恩典牵涉入金钱的买卖关系. 慈惠彰显上主无条件的恩典,

    2. 施舍, 救济物(钱,食物,衣物等):central spindle 中心纺锤体, 心轴 | alms 施舍, 救济物(钱,食物,衣物等) | floridity 鲜丽, 脸色好

    3. alms

    3. 施舍,捐献,救济金:alms 施舍,捐献,救济金 | Amendment 修正案 | amount 数量,数额,总数 vi.合计,共计

    4. alms

    4. 赈济物资:allowance welfare 福利津贴 | alms 赈济物资 | altruism 利他精神

    5. alms的翻译

    5. alms:analytic language manipulation system; 解析语言操作系统

    6. alms:american le mans series; 小时耐力系列赛

    1. 救济金;救济品
        Alms are gifts of money, clothes, or food to poor people.

        e.g. Alms were distributed to those in need.


    1. 救济金;救济品
        Alms are gifts of money, clothes, or food to poor people.

        e.g. Alms were distributed to those in need.

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