
  • ahead

    英:[əˈhed]   美: [əˈhɛd] 

    ahead 基本解释

    ahead 同义词



    ahead 相关词组

    1. ahead of : adv. 在...前面;

    同义词: beforeforwardleading

    ahead 相关例句


    1. You'd better plan ahead.

    2. Walk straight ahead until you reach the river.

    3. His eyes stared straight ahead.

    4. ahead的近义词

    4. Two people were ahead of us, and travelling fast.

    5. The hills ahead are not wooded.

    ahead 网络解释

    1. 先驱式:觉得这次大多数机体设定的都不错,少数量产机觉得不好看,像第一季的铁人,旗舰式,第二季的先驱式(Ahead)我哦觉得不习惯,其实有很多机体在动画里的样子不错,就像先驱式在动画里的样子其实觉得挺壮实的,但是做成模型甚至设定图都弄成了矮胖的样子.

    2. 前头,在前:agreements 协定 | ahead 前头,在前 | aid filter 助滤器

    副词用法(ADVERB USES)

    In addition to the uses shown below, ahead is used in phrasal verbs such as ‘get ahead’, ‘go ahead’, and ‘press ahead’.
    除下列用法外,ahead还可用于get ahead,go ahead,press ahead等短语动词中。 词典解释

    副词用法(ADVERB USES)

    In addition to the uses shown below, ahead is used in phrasal verbs such as ‘get ahead’, ‘go ahead’, and ‘press ahead’.
    除下列用法外,ahead还可用于get ahead,go ahead,press ahead等短语动词中。

    ahead 情景对话


    A:Are there any tours for the Grand Canyon?

    B:There are several tours of the Grand Canyon. Have you been to our Tourist Information Center?

    A:No, I haven't. Would you show me where that is?

    B:Sure. It's up ahead to your left.

    A:I heard that some tours actually go down into the canyon. Is that true?

    B:Yes. It's a great way to really see the canyon.In addition, it's great exercise too, since we do a lot of hiking.


    A:That sounds fantastic. Where do I go to sign up for that tour?

    B:Go inside the Information Center.And tell them you want to go on the tour that goes down into the canyon.You pay there. I have the next group to go down. I'll see you soon then.
          到服务中心去。 跟他们说你要参加到峡谷里去的旅游团。你在那儿付钱。我带的下一个团就是要下去的。回见!

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